The run

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Loki began to run the opposite direction with the little elves following behind him. Soon Loki's long legs outran the group and he found himself smack dead in the middle of the elvin forest. Dark and gloomy, eerily quiet. He looked around and realized he was lost. Which way did he go, and he was on the right path but running from the dwarven elves made him run without thinking.

Loki: FUCK!!!

Loki yelled out in frustration. He leaned up against a tree trying to gather his bearings, when he saw a familiar face. The elvin child he fed earlier, poked his head from behind an adjacent tree and smiled. Loki was relieved to see another friendly face.

Loki: Well hello little friend! Do you think you could help me?

The elvin child tilted his head to the right but did not answer Loki.

Loki: Do you understand me at all?

The child nodded his head.

Loki: Oh you do? Well do you think you could help me?

The child nodded his head.

Loki: Wonderful! I was headed out of the elvin forest to the desert, so can you show me the way?

The child nodded and then pointed.

Loki: That is the way?

The child nodded again.

Loki: Thank you. Would you like to come with me? I could use a friend!

The child smiled and nodded yes. He made his way towards Loki and held out his hand. Loki smirked and shook his hand.

Loki: Well! I guess we can properly meet can't we! I am Loki, of Asgard. And you are?

The child looked at Loki confused.

Loki: Your name. What do they call you?

The child looked at Loki and hung his head down.

Loki: Ohh I see, you don't speak. Nor do you have family. Am I right?

The child nodded his head.

Loki: Well that's alright. How about I give you a name? Would that be alright?

The child smiled and nodded.

Loki: Well let's see. You are brave and courageous. You are smart and crafty, we must give you a name that suits you. Let me think. Shall we walk while I think?

The child nodded yes. Loki and the child began to walk towards the way he had pointed to lead Loki to the desert.

Loki: Ahhh I've got it! Magnus!! It means mighty, & strength. What do you think?

The child smiled and nodded.

Loki: Well now hello Magnus! I shall give you a gift when we arrive at the desert! It's something special a friend gave me. Now mind you, I was told not to trust any Elvins I come across. But I think I can trust you to lead me the right way.

Magnus smiled and pointed the way. Loki suddenly heard a voice in his head....

"Take heed, if the elvins offer you help, do not accept it. They will lead you away from the pass"

Loki began to remember everything Aziza had warned him about the elves. He looked up at the Dark Elvin Forest Canopy and realized there was not fox in the trees. He was being led down the wrong path. But this little dirty elf was obviously alone in the world, why would he lead him down the wrong path. He began to question everything.  So Loki had an idea. He pulled the magical flower Aziza have him and showed Magnus the flower. His eyes grew large while staring at the flower. The gold flakes frittered and swan around Magnus's head. He then grabbed Loki's arm and stopped him. Loki looked down at him and Magnus then pointed a different way. Loki lifted his eyebrow and grabbed Magnus by the arm.

Loki: You we're purposely leading me down the wrong path weren't you?

Magnus hung his head down low.

Loki: Why? I fed you, and I thought you were my friend.

Magnus began to sniffle and quietly cry. He pointed to the flower and as he did so, his little finger slightly grazed the petal and the gold flakes began to flutter around him once again. He inhaled them the flakes and began to cough . Magnus convulsed and sharply twitched and shuddered and fell to the ground. Loki bent down and lifted him up.

Loki: Oh Magnus are you alright? What happened?

Magnus: I'm okay.....what...I talk! I TALK!!

Loki: It must've been the flower. Is this possible?

Magnus: Loki....thank you. I will lead you right way. This is all I ever wanted.

Loki: Now that you can talk, you must tell me why!

Magnus: I outcast among my people. If I bring you, they welcome me, I back in family.

Loki: You were outcasted amount you're people? Why?

Magnus: I think killing wrong. They enjoy, I not enjoy. This flower from fairy?

Loki: You know of her?

Magnus: Heard stories. Flower has powers to help.

Loki: I can see that. It gave to the ability to speak.  I will make you a deal Magnus. If you take me to the edge of the desert, to the right path, I will give you the flower. But you must take me to the right path. If you do not, I will kill you. Do we have a deal?

Magnus: Yes, we have deal.

Loki and Magnus began to walk towards the the edge of the woods. All while being vigilant to not run into the group of dwarven elves that tried to overtake him.

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