S2E5: Gym's secrets

Start from the beginning

???: Oh I see.....Well how's about I'll take you four in and we have a chat.

Alex: (smile) Sur.

(Moments later)

We see Alex, Verity and Sorrel's pokemons out as they were in the gym leader's gym and eating the pokemon food while Alex and the rest were outside of the gym as the gym leader introduces herself.

Cissy: (smile) Sorry for not introducing myself earlier. My name is Cissy.

Alex: (smile) Nice ti meet you Cissy. Names Alex. This is Verity, Sorrel and the Autobots, Y/n, Turbospike, Zero, Leadfoot, Ironfist and Sandstorm.

Cissy: Huh you know I met Cybertronians before.

Y/n: You have?

Cissy: (smile) Yeah. A group of trainers have Autobots of their own. They even have a cute Bumblebee Autobot that is very friendly.

Turbospike: Huh guess HotRod's team came here before us.

Leadfoot: They could have gotten the Omega lock?

Sandstorm: (holds out the Omegs key) Nope. It's glowing brighter then before. It must still be here.

Cissy: So that's the Omega key.

Y/n: Indeed. We believe it must be in this area or underneath the gym.

Cissy: Well you be happy to look around if you like. Just, try not damaging my gym while searching for it.

Sandstorm: Don't worry, this will be done in a second.

Sandstorm walks over and then clap his hands together and then sand started to move and soon sand was lifted off the ground and circle around and around like a tornado and start digging up around the gym while the rest watched.

Cissy: (surprised) Well that's amazing.

Alex: (smile) Yeah, no wonder he's called Sandstorm.

Cissy: (smile) I bet.

Sandstorm: Found something!

They walk over and they see what seems like metal underneath the sand. Y/n kneel down and sees a button so he push it and seconds later there was a shake and the metal floor cracked open and it slowly open to reveal a large hole as sun light hits the empty hole, revealing a large room.

Cissy: (shocked) Wow!

Y/n: This must be it. Ironfist, Zero, with me.

The two node and they leap down and land onto the ground and once they were on the ground they stood up and look around for anything but they see nothing around them.

Y/n: Keep an eye out.

They activated their night vision optics and look around. It wasn't long for Ironfist to find a control console and push a button which turns it on and then lights up the whole room with blue ancient lights.

Everyone was amazed by this and then a hologram appeared as they quickly turn and to their amazed was one of the primes name Alchmist Prime as he is seen looking through something when another prime name Amalgamous Prime shows up and approaches Alchmist prime.

Cissy: (shocked) Who are they?

Alex: They are among of the 13 primes. Alchmist Prime and Amalgamous prime.

Cissy: (shocked) Amazing!

Amalgamous prime: (hologram message) So you wanted to see me Alchmist Prime?

Alchmist Prime: (hologram message) Ah yes, glad you came Amalgamous. I want to show you on a project I have been working on.

Amalgamous Prime: (hologram message): What is it? You know we should be heading back to Cybertron as soon as possible

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