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After I said goodbye to Ildikó and her dragon friends, I followed Luna back to Hogwarts. She told me that Professor Flitwick had something to tell me along with other people.

Harry wondered if the other people were the Malfoy's, Bones, and Longbottom's.

Wait...HARRY FORGOT TO SENT A MESSAGE TO BELLA! Shit shit shit. Bella is going to be so mad if Harry doesn't update her about what was happening. What if she thought he was dead the first task? She is going to be so ballistic.

"You alright Harry?" Luna's dreamy voice snapped Harry out of his trance.

"Uhh, yeah. Just thinking" Harry said as he dismissively waved his hand away.

Luna only hummed and continued leading away. It's funny how a third year was leading a fourth year across Hogwarts grounds.

When the doors opened, Harry could immediately spot the stares of everybody when he was walking across the hallways. There were multiple whispers of what happened at the first task. People looked at him in a mix of awe and fear. It was starting to look like Harry's second year all over again.

Harry sighed and mind-linked Azaleas that he passed the first task. Hopefully, that'll be Bella from breaking out of Azkaban. That sounds wrong.

They made it to the entrance of the Ravenclaw Common Room. As usual, there was a riddle.

What has a neck but no head?

That sounds easy to Harry. "Bottle" Harry answered. The door opened and there was the half-goblin with the rest of the Heads. And, as Harry suspected, the Malfoy's with Amelia Bones and Neville's grandmother.

"Thank you Miss Lovegood, you may go now. It's free period" Flitwick said. Luna nodded and walked away with her usual dreamy look.

Harry decided to act once more and put on a confused expression. "I'm sorry professors but why am I here. And, I don't mean to be rude, but why are they here?"

Flitwick looked hesitant and looked at the others for help. They looked away much to his displeased.

"Uhh...come sit down and we'll explain everything to you" Flitwick said as he motioned a blue beanbag.

Harry complied and sat. He watched as everyone was shuffling. He looked over to the Malfoy's and furrowed his brows.

Harry was getting good at acting.

" there a reason why I'm here Professor?" Harry asked again.

"I- You know what? I can't take it anymore" Amelia stepped up. "We are your godmothers and godfathers"

Harry feigned shock. Then, he saw Susan, Draco, and Neville stepping out from behind Snape. They were waiting for a response while Snape gave a dirty look at Amelia.

"Oh don't give me that look Sev" Amelia said, noticing the look that Snape is giving her.

"And don't call me that Amelia" Snape snapped. "Only Lily can call me that...and Harry"

Harry was mentally laughing as McGonagall shushed the two adults like they were children. Mrs. Malfoy chuckled before looking back at the boy, waiting for an answer.

That was when Harry couldn't control it. He laughed out loud, causing everybody to look at him in shock.

"I-I can't take it anymore" Harry laughed as he held his stomach.

"What" Neville titled his head in confusion.

Draco and Susan looked at each other than at the adults. Until Draco finally caught on. He, too, laughed out loud.

"Draco, dear, why are you and Harry laughing?" Narcissa finally asked.

"B-because he knew! He knew who we were and decided to wait until we confess" Draco said, wiping a tear.

Susan blinked. "Wait...YOU KNEW THIS WHOLE TIME!"

Harry laughed even harder. "Of course I d-did Susan" At that response, Susan huffed and smacked the back of Harry's head in frustration.

"Oh thank Merlin" breathed out Lucius as he sighed. "I thought you were going to hate us Harry"

Harry chuckled at that before standing up and hugging the said man. Lucius froze in the spot, he glanced at his wife as she snickered and turned away. He looked over at his best friend, Severus Snape, and saw him do the same as Narcissa. Then he looked over at Amelia to see her glaring at him.

That put on a smug grin as he hugged Harry back. Amelia huffed and crossed her arms at seeing the display. She could practically read Lucius' mind as he gave her the look of triumphant.

Harry released the hug and was suddenly pulled to Amelia to hug her too. He sighed and hugged her tightly to control his laughter as he saw Amelia sticking a tongue out.

"Real mature you two" Susan said, grinning and rolling her eyes.

"And real cheek of you to speak to us like we're children young lady" Lucius scolded playfully.

This is going to take some time to get use to for Harry.

"Okay okay you've have enough hug time with Harry, Amelia. Now give him to me" McGonagall said, snatching Harry away before embracing him as well.

"At this point Harry is going to loose an arm if people keep on pulling him like that" Neville whispered to Draco who only nodded.

"Now then" Lucius cleared his throat. "Let's discuss about this...tournament"

Everyone seems to nod and took a seat as well. Harry went back to his beanbag with Susan by his right and Neville by his left. Draco looked fairly weird as he has never sat down on something like a 'beanbag'. Lucius and Narcissa also looked around weirdly as they never sat on something that's like an oversized pillow.

"Now, I already done my research on the Triwizard Tournament" Lucius started after moving around to find a comfortable spot on his beanbag. "And I might be close in getting Harry out of it"

There was a hopeful gleam in Harry's eyes as he waited. He wanted to get out of that tournament the day he was announced to be in it.

"And I already got some Aurors and Curse Breakers on the line to figure out who put Harry's name in the Goblet" Amelia said, much to Harry's relief.

"So there is a way for me to get out of his bloody tournament" Harry said.

"Language" McGonagall scolded.

"Yes there is Harry. I just need a few more months than I can inform the Minister to let Bagman out of that" Lucius smiled as he saw Harry's eyes widen with a happy face.

"Let's just hope you're right Lucius. But if you are too late, then Harry might die" Sprout said worriedly.

The said boy gulped and curled up into a ball. He was FOURTEEN FOR FUCKS SAKES! He can't die this young yet. He only lived fourteen years of his life.

Harry sighed and looked at the distance. Let's hope Lucius is fast enough to save him.

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