Arrival to Azkaban

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How long has it been? How far is Azkaban anyways? I understand that it's that far but does it have to be that far.

"We're here kid" the Auror said harshly. I didn't respond. I knew begging for my innocence won't help.

We entered the doorway to Azkaban and I immediately saw the Dementors. They were cloaked figured flying around, feeding happiness and giving despair. Not like it's new to me or anything.

We walked to the top level were the most dangerous prisoners are kept and more Dementors roam constantly. I sighed as they opened a cell for me, not noticing the shock looks on all of the other prisoners around me. They threw me in and shut the cell, locked.

"Well, well, well. Isn't it the famous Boy-Who-Lived" one of the prisoners said.

I sat up and saw it was the man in front of me. He looks like he's been here forever. Probably from the constant Dementors.

"Names Harry. I don't like being called that" I responded after a while.

"Well how about ickle Harrykins" asked a females voice. I turned my head slightly and saw a crazy looking woman with hair as crazy as her.

"Whatever" I mumbled before closing my eyes, waiting for the Dementors.

And as if on cue, they arrived. One of them went closer to me and started to feed on my last remaining happiness. I didn't have that much. The ten years of abuse made sure of that. Plus the constant fear I have to feel when I was in my first year and during my second year.

Then, the memories stop abruptly. Apparently, the Dementor already ate all of my happy feels. Hurray.

≈Such small happiness. Certainly concerning for a small boy like him. A small innocent boy≈

I look up at the Dementor as she spoke. Yes it's a female people. I think all of the Dementors are female. But that's not the problem now. The problem is that I can FUCKING UNDERSTAND THEM! Great. First, snakes. Then, Dementors. What else?

≈Yeah. My life sucks≈

The Dementor backed away a bit. I guess she's not used to a wizard understanding and speaking in her language.

≈You can speak?≈

No, I can not ma'am.

≈Yeah, I guess≈

She looked startled and turned her back away from me.

≈SISTERS! We have a speaker≈

The rest of the Dementors stopped what they were doing and surrounded my cell. They were all mumbling and looking at me curiously, I think. I got uncomfortable and started to speak.


The sounds turned louder as they came closer to me. One of them circle around me and attempting to touch me. But another one slapped her hand away and said something that I didn't pay attention to.

I looked away from the crowded Dementors and looked at the other prisoners. They all had shocked expressions in their faces. The man that spoke to me first mouthed 'What in Merlin's sweaty ass' I tried not to laugh and held my head down to avoid getting caught.

≈Prisoner 1980-H4RRY-90773R how can you speak?≈

I looked up at the same Dementor that said my cell number. I shrugged and they started another conversation. Then, after a while, they left. But did anybody noticed that our cell numbers are just our birth year and our first and last name with mixed numbers?

"BAHAHAHAHAH!! THAT WAS BLOODY AMAZING!!" Yelled the crazy woman.

"Bellatrix, hush" said another prisoner from my left.

"Awww, why Siri?" The crazy woman known as Bellatrix mocked whine.

"Because you're annoying" mumbled 'Siri'.

"I guess that explains why none of us have felt any coldness from those damn Dementors" the man said.

"You might be right Lestrange. You might be right" 'Siri' said as he nodded in agreement.

"Ooh, how about we introduce ourselves?" Bellatrix squealed.

"Alright. I'll go first since I'm his godfather" Hold up, godfather!?

"My names Sirius Black" the 'Siri' man said, turning to me with a smile.

"Names Bellatrix Lestrange née Black. But, you can call me Aunt Bella" Bellatrix said cheerfully.

"Rodolphus Lestrange. But, as Bella said here, you can call me Uncle Rodo" Rodolphus gave me a curt nod of acceptance.

"Rabastan Lestrange. But call me whatever" Rabastan looked a lot like Rodolphus, maybe they're twins.

Then, one by one, the rest started to introduce themselves. I found out later that they were Death Eaters, loyal servants to Lord Voldemort. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, You-Know-Who, the Dark Lord, the parents killer, baby murderer, Lord of No Nose, Voldie Moldy, Tommy Boy, snake abomination, Tomalomadingdong, and a lot of other nicknames that the Muggle-borns and myself has made. I don't know why we did we just did.

"So, how did my ickle Harrykins end up in this forsaken place called Azkaban?" Bellatrix asked with a crazed smile.

I took in a deep breath. "Well, when I was at Hogwarts, apparently the Chamber of Secrets opened and it said that people that can speak Parseltongue are the only ones in. So when our new DADA professor decided to do a dueling club and decided to duel with Professor Snape. When the demonstrations was done the professors put us in pairs. We did, we duel, and then it was over. Then, our DADA professor decided that one pair should come up and preform so Professor Snape chose my pair, Draco Malfoy and Me. When we got on the platform, Professor Snape said something about a spell that can summon a snake while the DADA professor was useless. So when Malfoy summoned the snake, the DADA professor stupidly said the wrong spell, sent the snake flying, and agitated the snake. The snake then turned to a Hufflepuff student and started to threatening the poor boy. So I did the only natural thing. I talked to the snake. I said something in Parseltongue, the snake backed off, and the school is afraid of me. Somebody even made a rumor that I was the Slytherin Heir and my so called friends did nothing and joined in the false accusations. Then the rumor went straight to Minister Fudge and being the paranoid fuck-shit he is, he send Aurors to me. A twelve year old child. Headmaster Dumbledore did nothing and didn't even try to defend me even though he knew that I was no Heir to Slytherin. The only people that protested against me being sent to Azkaban was the whole Slytherin students and Professor Snape, which really was weird but I was thankful nonetheless. I was given no trial whatsoever and that's how I ended up here. All because I spoke Parseltongue to the snake to back away from the Hufflepuff boy" I was now breathing heavily and bowed my head down in exhaustion.

I looked back up and saw that the room was speechless. Until Bellatrix, or Aunt Bella, started squealing.


Sirius, my 'godfather', slapped his face with his hand and groaned. Dolohov only smirked. Barty Crouch Junior just stared. Uncle Rodo only smiled. Rabastan was still staring at me with his mouth open. The rest had different expressions which I couldn't pay attention to.

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