Chapter XX

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*Natalie POV*

I was peaceful sleeping when I felt a pair of lips kiss mine. I slowly opened up eyes to meet a familiar pair of beautiful blue eyes. I returned the smile that he had on his face as he brought me closer to him.

"Good morning mijn liefje," He said in a tired tone as he placed another kiss on my lips.

"Good morning mi amor," I said and copied his action.

"Can we just stay here all day?" He said burying his face into my shoulder.

"Don't you have a championship to fight for?" I asked as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"I do but didn't you do the same on your last race," He said as he looked at me.

"But I would of been happy with Sabrina winning if I didn't," I said trying to get out of his embrace.

"I know you would of been happy for her," He said as I was able to slide out of his arms and started heading towards the bathroom, "Come back to bed please."

"If you race today, we can stay in bed for as long as you want when get to Massachusetts," I said smiling at Max.

Tomorrow I have to head back to get some work done and he wanted to come with me even if I was going to be there for a day before heading to Cambridge for two days then heading to Canada for a week with Josh and Sabrina for some stuff for our company and as Sabrina is the head of the graphic designs department she is also coming before heading back home for the holidays.

We were planning to hire more people as the game kept growing and we were all busy racing so we had to get them so we were going to get an office building so we were going to talk to some of the investors that we have in Canada about getting help with the expansion as they have been help with stuff we were too busy to do while coding the original game.

After I took a shower I came out in a pair of jeans and a pain black shirt. When I walked out Max pulled me into a hug.

"I love you, my little champ," He said and I smiled as he has been randomly been calling me that since I won my championship.

"Soon you will also be my champion, amor," I said kissing him, "Go get ready."

I pushed him towards the bathroom and I finished getting ready. I grabbed one of his hat and put it on right before he came out.

He smiled when he saw me with a Red Bull hat that had his number on it that I couldn't wear because of my contract with Monster Energy Yamaha preventing me from do so except for today. On my last race of the season he was allowed to where a monster hat with my number and today I can wear one with his number on it.

"Red Bull colors suits you," He said kissing my cheek.

"Good thing they allowed us to openly support each other on the last race," I said looking at him.


The race was interesting and all over the place. They were going onto the last lap and Lewis was in front of Max. On one of the corners Max managed to overtake Lewis and he lead for the rest of the lap, ending in P1 and winning the championship.

The garage erupted into cheers and Christian hugged me before we headed over to where the podium ceremony was going to be. I was happy for Max, he had worked so hard to win the championship.

I was standing beside Christian when I saw Max get out of his car and Sabrina soon joined me as she had come to support Charles. Max ran over to me first and placed the his helmeted forehead on mine.

"Congratulations my champion, you did," I said in Dutch and I could see he was smiling by the way his eyes slightly squinted. He took off his helmet and kissed me.

"I love you so much," He said before going over to his team.

I smiled up at him when he was on the podium and he looked down at me.


I was in the garage with his team waiting for Max to get back to the garage. When he walked in, he walked straight to Christian and he extended his hand to him and he handed him a box before walking over to me.

"I was going to do this later but this the only thing can make this day even better." He then got on one knee and everyone got quiet when they realized what was happening as they wanted to hear what he was going to say.

"This past year with you has been the best year of my life and I realized I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to love you for the rest of life. ¿Me puedes hacer el honor y dejarme llamarte mi esposa?" He asked the beat he could in Spanish and it was clear he had been practicing it.

"Yes I will be your wife," I said with a smile on my face and he got up and pulled me into a kiss. When we pulled apart he put the ring on my finger.

I was so happy I gave Max a second chance and I was excited to see what the future had for Max and I in the future.

*The End*

Second Chance | Max Verstappenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें