Chapter X

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*Natalie POV*

The day before the trailer launch the FIM released a statement saying that they were done with the investigation on the allegations and said that all the prior claims were false and that we were allowed to race in FIM held events again. A lot of people were really excited to see if we were going to join the line up for the 2021 season and the people that knew about me and my brother doing a bit of rally racing in 2018 were waiting for us to go back to it.

Christian told me and Max to keep hinting at a 'relationship' as we won't be in the same country for a while. Max was going to attend the grand opening of the Austrian track so we decided that after the race we would reveal the 'relationship'.

I was doing a final lap around the Massachusetts track with Sabrina, Sam, and Nico as the five of us haven't been on dirt bikes in a while. Josh had other things to do so he didn't join us today.

After the last lap we changed out of our muddy clothes and put our bikes on the truck before heading to the Heisenberg estate as the sun was starting to set.

We stored the bikes in the shed and headed into second house. The second house is where me and Nico lived growing up while my grandparents lived in the main house which is where my uncle and his family live now so me and my brother won't be alone in the middle of nowhere even though our friends basically live here at this point when we are here.

I had a stream scheduled for today playing COD with my brother, Sabrina and Joseph so when we got in the house me and Nico ran upstairs to our offices to get set up and Sabrina went up stairs with me as her gaming set up is in the room she stays in when she is here.

We got into a call and talked for a bit before me and Joseph muted to start our streams and talked with our chats for a bit before joining the call again. Joseph took a little longer to join again but once we were all back in we joined a game.

We played longer than we had planned on. We were planning on playing 2 or 3 hours but we ended up playing for nearly 5 hours. This wouldn't be the first time we played longer than we wanted to.

We had a flight in the next day and we had to wake early to get some stuff done so us streaming until midnight would not be good .

Even after we finished the stream I stayed awake doing stuff I needed to do but was interrupted by Josh who walked into my office. We spent hours talking. It was good amount we were able to maintain a friendship after we broke up.


Chris was showing us around the track when people from the press started showing up in the outside the track grounds and started taking pictures.

There were 15 riders total here but they only came because of the name that owns the track not so much the opening.

We were in our private area and I was laying down with my head on Josh's lap when Daniel, Max, and Seb walked in. I waved at them not getting up as I was tired.

"What is wrong with Nat?" Danny asked as I was starting to fall asleep.

"That is what happens when you don't sleep at all the night before a flight and doing the work you were suppose to do the day before on the flight here and having a hard time sleeping last night," Nico said as our uncle came in handing us a cups of a coffee with one of my cousins.

"Here Nala, just the way you like it," Julia said handing me the cup after I sat up then handed Nico, Josh, and Sabrina their cups before sitting between me and Josh.

"Remember no inappropriate stuff around the kid and don't give her coffee again," Chris said with the last part directed to Nico and before Nico got a chance to say a word he walked out leaving Julia with us.

"So today is the day you two make it official right?" Seb asked as the other riders that were in here had left and Max nodded to answer Seb's question.

"Hopefully no one finds out it's fake," Danny said and everyone nodded in agreement even Julia did.

We talked for a few minutes before they headed out and we got ready for the race. We were all dressed in the race suits but all had different helmets.

My helmet had the Austrian flag colors with my logo on the back, a eagle on the top, a 7 on either side in the Mexican flag colors, and pink, yellow, and blue stripes along the bottom in honor of my mom and grandparents. Nico also had the stripes along the bottom.

We walked onto the track and got the bikes that had the number we were going to race with before heading to the starting line and there were a lot of people in the stands or standing around out side the fence.

We all were mounted on our bikes as Chris made his way around to make sure everyone was ready before we put on our helmets and waited for the race to start.

I was maping out the area in front of us as it had random certain parts that the bike could get stuck from the mud when the race started.

Quickly, me and Nico got in the front of the pack fighting for first place. I eventually won the fight when he fell on the second turn but quickly got up securing second place as a lot of people fell on the second turn.

At a few points I went over puddles which splashed everywhere including on me. I always enjoy racing in a wet track so I was kinda happy it rained last night.

Throughout the whole race I managed to stay in the front with Nico losing second place at a point to Josh but managed to regain it as he had fallen. Two riders got out the track leaving only 13 riders in the race.

When I saw the last turn, I felt the same excitement I always got knowing I was going to finish a race, that I was going to win.

When I crossed the finished line I raised my arms in victory with Nico doing the same he crossed and caught up to me.

I had really missed the feeling of winning and the adrenaline it gave me. People were cheering our name ago with Josh who got third.

When we got off the bikes dad, Suzie, Jack, Chris, Chris's wife, his kids, Danny, Seb, Max, Kimi, Lewis, Charles, Carlos, Kevin, Checo, Alexa, Joseph, and, Harry were there waiting for Nico, Rina, Sam, Josh, and I. We were almost completely covered in mud so no one moved in for a hug expected for little David who ran up to both me and Nico to hug our legs while everyone congratulated us from a far.

I took my helmet after Nico and then took my gloves us off. Chris took both of our helmets to an employee to get the mud off of them.

"You guys did amazing for your first motocross race since 2017," Alexa said before kissing Nico. There were photographers around so those pictures are probably going to be everywhere later.

"Go get changed and see you three at the podium," Chris said pushing us by the head not wanting to touch us after

We quickly changed out of racing suits and me and Josh put on the prototype caps we have for the future merch we will have for our game before heading to the podium.

Our uncle called up to the podiums and gave us medals and that was it. I jumped off the top step and made my way over to Max.

The fans and media have been trying to find out if we know each so this was going to confirm to them that we know each other.

When I got to Max he pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back.

"Congrats on the win, Nat," He said before placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Ready to make it official?" He asked looking down at me and I nodded. He leaned down and placed a soft, gentle kiss on my lips.

I could heard cameras taking pictures and some fans yelling in excitement.

I wonder how this will end.

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