Chapter V

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*Natalie POV*

Christian turned his head from my brother to me, "If you want the FIM to see this footage and stop the investigation against you guys and clear your names then I have a proposition of a publicity stunt involving Max and Natalie having a pr relationship for a year. It benefits both parties as you 5 get your names cleared and probably will be able to get back to racing Max here gains more popularity," Christian said and Max looked shocked by his proposition just like us.

"Will you give Nat time to think about about it? I mean it will be her decision and also Max's at the end of the day if they want to do it or not," Sam said as I noticed dad walk out the elevator and looked confused at to why we were talking with Christian.

"Of course I will give her time but the quicker the contract is sign the better," He said showing the contract.

"See you at the paddock," Christian said before getting up and walking away.

"I did not know he was going to suggest that when he told me to join him," Max said and we looked at him.

"We could tell from the your expression when he mentioned it," Sabrina said and Nicolas turned to look at me and Josh.

"I think we should let Josh and my sister talk," Nico said getting up and everyone followed shortly after before going elsewhere.

I knew this would not only affect us but also other people who we openly have a relationship like the drivers we that are like our brothers and the ones that our friends, Nico's girlfriends, Alexa Miller, our uncle, and Toto.

"I think you should do it and I know you are thinking about doing it because you are the least selfish person I know and you don't want anyone to be affect by it," Josh said turning his body to face me, "I'm okay if you do it, dear."

I looked up at him and looked into my eyes as if he was reading my thoughts. He knew me too well, "Natalie, I love you but if you are going to do this I think it would be best if we break up," He said gently holding my hand.

"I think it is for the best for us to break up," I said and he nodded.

"So you are doing it?" He asked and I nodded, "When we want the same things and if the universe wants us to be more than friends than it will give us a sign."

"Do you want your hoodie back?" I asked and shock his head.

"It's your hoodie at this point, I gave it to you before we got together and let's be honest I don't think a hoodie I bought when I was 17 will still fit me," He said laughing.

"Let's go look for the others," I said getting up with him quickly following and we started looking for them and we quickly found them talking with our dad.

"Hey dad," I said hugging my dad and he quickly hugged me back.

"Hello schatz (sweetheart)," He said placing a kiss on top of my head before pulling away, "I think Mercedes suits you better than Ferrari."

"Großvater always said that Ferrari suits me and Nico better," I said and Nico stood beside me in his Alpha Tauri polo.

"Red is our color dad, großvater never lied to us so we trust him," He said with his arm around my shoulder.

"This is why I like the Williams siblings better. Come on kids, I'm buying you guys breakfast," Dad said making us fake being hurt.

"I'm joking, I love you kids," He said before we walked out and headed to go get food.


We were in the Mercedes hospitality talking with Lewis while Nicolas was working.

"I wonder why the press have to ask me and the guys if the allegations about you guys are true. I know they are not true because you and your brother are good kids and would never hang out with people that act like that," Lewis said and I felt bad that they had to deal with this.

"It is fucked up that you guys have to deal with that when anyone with common sense could just search it up and see that none of the things they said line up to what actually happened during the season they mentioned," Sabrina said laying her head on my shoulder clearly tired while scratching Rosceo's head.

"We tried to avoid the questions the best we could. Seb did answer one if he knew about you going out with a freshmen when you were a senior and he said and I quote 'of course Natalie would go out with a 14 year old since she were 15 at the time and just because she skipped two school grades doesn't change the fact that Natalie was born in 1999 and would be 15 in 2015 when she was senior' then he just walked away from the interviewer," Lewis said.

"It would be out character if Seb didn't defend Nat and Nico," Sam said and everyone nodded in agreeance.

We continued talking while I rubbed Roscoe's belly who was on my lap before Lewis had to go to get ready for qualifying.

"Are you actually going to do it?" Sabrina asked and I nodded not looking up. She still had her head on my shoulder so she felt the nod.

"Have you talked to Max about it?"Josh asked looking at me.

"Yeah, we are just going to hang out as friends since the media always thinks that when a male and female are friends they are automatcally shipped so they will believe it," I said and I knew it was true since me and Josh always acted friends in public when we dated.

Max and I were going to go sign the contract after quailification. He understood why I was okay with it and made sure I was 100 percent confident about my decision. It felt weird that I had just met Max yesterday and now I have to be in a 'relationship' with him.

Dad and Checo knew about the publicity stunt and everyone just knows that me and Josh mutually decided to break up but they will quickly find out that mine and Max's relationship is a publicity stunt.

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