Chapter VII

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*Max POV*

When Natalie told me that she wanted to do the pr relationship I was surprised but I knew why she wanted to do. I am hoping to have a second chance but I'll be fine with just having her in my life, again. I probably should have told her about our past but I couldn't bring myself to it.

Sooner or later I would have to tell her that she was my girlfriend from February 2013 to August 2014 but for now I had to focus on the race. The only people that knew about our relationship were my dad, mom, and sister but only my dad had met her. We openly posted about each other on Instagram during that time just without the other's face. I have almost all the post archived except for some that have other pictures I really wanted there to show my growth as a driver while I don't know about Nat since she posted those in her private account and I no longer follow that account.

Victoria still did but she wouldn't tell tell me what the content of the account were. I had asked her yesterday when I got back to my hotel room if she knew that Nat had a boyfriend and she told she didn't so I knew that their relationship was completely secret from the media.

After a great qualifying session I had talked my race engineer before heading to Christian's office where he told me to wait after qualifying so we can get the contract signed. I knew she broke up with her boyfriend for this so I didn't want to mess it up and make her feel comfortable to not ruin any chances.

I had checked up on her multiple time throughout the day to make sure wanted to go through it and everything she said she was sure.

After a couple of minutes she entered with Christian and Nicolas.

She took a seat beside me and Nicolas stood behind her and Christian sat on the other side of the desk and pulled out a folder.

"The contract is very simple so I'll give you a second to read through it to make sure everything is good," Christian said sliding the contract over to us.

I grabbed it off the desk and held it between the two of us so we can both read it. I knew Christian wasn't going to do anything to fuck Red Bull or me over but I still read it and it was simple and both parties benefited from it.

I heard Nicolas give Nat a hum in approval. It was smart of her to bring someone with her to get a second opinion on the contract.

I placed the contract back on the table and Christian handed Natalie a pen then she moved forward in her seat and took the pen and signed her name nicely on the bottom line that was for her to sign before handing the pen me.

I looked at her trying to read her eyes to see if there was any hint of regret for a moment before grabbing the pen from her hand a signing it.

"I'll have my people send the tapes over to the FIM today," Christian said with a smile on his face as he grabbed the contract and placed it back in the folder.

"See you guys tomorrow," Christian said before we walked out of his office.

I was walking behind them as we were heading out the paddock, hearing them talk to each other in German before I got a call from my dad so I fell back a bit more as I knew Nat knew Dutch.

He was still trying to set me up with someone he approves of. He never approved of my relationship with Natalie because he wasn't a fan of her grandfather, Michael Heisenberg back when he was an F1 driver. Back then alot of people called their father a cheater beating Nelson Piquet in the 1981 championship. Not many people liked him in his early year and it got worse when he beat Nelson and saw him as an arrogant and reckless driver.

My dad was one of the ones that hated him, that hatred became more when he got banned from going to any of the Heisenberg tracks after he tried to get in a fight with Christian Heisenberg at the Heisenberg's kart track in the Netherlands while he was drunk before I was born.

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