212: Pull Me From The Grave

Start from the beginning

"That is so sad," Weiss said.

"But useful," Shine said.

"How can you say that about him being tortured?" Emerald said.

"Who am I to say what may or may not be used for good?" Shine said. "If he doesn't want my pity, why should I extend it? There are worse things that suffering because you chose to for someone else. It's an honor, is it not?"

They all stared at her like she was crazy, except Mercury, who smiled.

"Pity can be worse than the lack of it," Raven noted, folding her arms. "If Ozpin doesn't do this, what will you do next?"

"I don't know," Shine shrugged.

"Well, this is awkward," Roman said.

Oscar sighed.

Ozpin suddenly reimposed himself.

Somehow most of them knew it even before he spoke. They just knew the difference of expression by now.

"You do realize what I will do if I do this?" he said flatly.

"I do," Shine said.

"And you don't care?" Ozpin said.

"I know only that I can't avoid it," Shine said. "The chips will have to fall where they may."

Ozpin sighed. "I see that we will get nowhere until I do. I can handle Salem--it's not that... but I'm almost sorry. I supposed you would not be so quick to give up after all this, Miss Likstar."

Shine almost choked on the water she was drinking, but somehow she maintained her composure.

"I don't really wish to disparage you all," Ozpin said. "But my mind is still unchanged."

He stood up.

What was odd was that right then a Seer came over the edge of camp.

Everyone went to their weapons, but Salem just appeared in smoke out of it anyway.

"Where are they?" she said haughtily.

Shine and Wally stood up.

"Hi," Shine said.

Salem glanced at her. "Well?" she said impatiently.

"Your timing was so impeccable I'd believe you were either spying or you have a 6th sense," Shine said, gesturing at Ozpin. "Go on."

Ozpin stepped a little forward, though as if he had weights on.

"Salem," he said.

"Ozpin." Salem's tone was both coy and cold. "It's about time. I really thought you were never going to greet me after having the audacity to come this close to my house. Well, what do you have to say for it?"

"I am not in the mood for this tete-a-tete," Ozpin said. "You will have your way, and apparently no one can do anything about it. If you want my opinion, I will give it to you, but don't expect it to change anything."

Salem smirked uncannily. "We'll see. Well, you know where to find me. Don't be late."

She vanished.

"Was that last part really necessary?" Qrow asked aloud.

Winter almost laughed.

Meridian did actually laugh, but then he said, "I didn't quite like how she said that."

"It's always her way," Ozpin said. "I assure you most of it is for show. She'd just like to kill me slowly if she could."

"You know, hatred and love are from the same source, usually," Shine said. "When the value of something goes from pleasing you to tormenting you, it becomes hatred. And sometimes when the value is gone, the torment remains." [And that's why breakups suck so much.]

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