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5 days later

I woke up before eveyone else and got dressed into my workout clothes. I grabbed my water bottle, my cleats, and put on my shoes.

I then went to our gym.

I did my warmups and started my usual workouts. After a few hours, I took a shower and went to our monitoring room. I looked at the highlights of all of the games so far and reviewed our game.

"Hey Aki." Nagi said, walking in the room.

"Wassup Nagi."

He sat down next to me.

"Look at this." He put his phone in my face.

I took his phone and saw the title of the article.

Egotistical Stars On The Rise?

I skimmed over most of the article, it was just about Blue Lock and us players. Then it mentioned Isagi's interview.

The heart of Blue Lock, Isagi Yoichi: "..I want to win by scoring goals. Call it egotistical, but this is something I will not yield to anyone."

And then mine.

And Aki Ginga, the 2nd most valuable player in Blue Lock: "..Call me egotistical all you want, I don't give a single fuck about what you have to say. Every player in this damn building is an egoist. All you do is talk about people putting in their whole life just to survive in this place. I'm betting everything I have to get better than every single person here. If any of you have something to say about me and my ego, then say it to my fucking face, you retarded ass clowns."

The rest of the article asked the reader if this was a good thing or a bad thing.

"I didn't know you said all of that." Nagi said.

"That's only the second half of it." I laughed.

"You think some people will dislike you now?" He asked me.

"Most likely. Doesn't matter to me though. Ill just shut them up by proving my point."


"You got twitter?"

"Yeah, you want me to find it on there?"

"You read my mind."

He opened twitter and found the tweet with the article. He opened the comments.

What a terrible personality..Ginga sure is unlikeable.

I like their attitude!

Hey, they're some of the top players on their respective teams right? That says it all.

What shit personalities.

Jeez, good luck getting fans now.

Everyone doesn't understand that these guys are competing against each other. Why wouldn't they try to be the best?

Y'all are proving Ginga's point by continuing to talk shit on the internet.

They're just teenagers, leave them alone.

Honestly, they're all really cool. I like seeing all of them play.

Most of the comments were surprisingly positive. I expected them to be negative like some of these.

"I guess a lot of people see this as entertaining." I said.

"I kinda get pissed off thinking that." Nagi said.

"I know what you mean. This must be how professionals feel with everyone watching them."

"Yeah most likely. Ah. Ima go to the bath with Reo, see you later."

EGOIST - Blue LockWhere stories live. Discover now