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Me, Isagi, and Chigiri ran at Nagi, who had his fist in the air.

"Cringe." He said out loud.

"What a shot Nagi!" I yelled out.

"Hell yeah!!" Isagi exclaimed.

We started to walk back to our side of the field.

Thanks to the defense being all over the place, we were able to use our weapons and try to score. Nagi ended up succeeding and tied the game.

But now, there's almost no way we can throw off their defense. We need something to shake them. Or something to make them pause for a moment.

The match restarted with Sae taking the ball and Rin defending him. He dribbles the ball left and right with crazy speed and then hit the ball with his back foot to pass Rin.

A midfielder came to back up Sae and Isagi came to back up Rin.

Sae used a shoulder block against Rin while bringing the ball back with his right foot. He did a roulette around Rin's back and passed him. Rin was able to catch up and pressed him again.

That's when Sae pushed him back and brought the ball back with him into a nutmeg cross-elastico.

Once he broke free, he lobbed it perfectly to the striker. Niko ran towards him but stopped before he trapped it.

With the ball bouncing off his foot, Niko cleared the ball to Karasu. Karasu got pressed by Haru immediately so he passed it to Otoya. He passed it back to Karasu and got around Darai.

Once Karasu passed it back, Aiku came in to guard Otoya. Otoya passed it to Chigiri who ran up with him.

With Aiku on his side, Chigiri passed him and ran up the side of the field. He passed it to the outside of the box a little bit ahead of Karasu.

When he was about to reach it, Sae came in and cleared it. It landed right in front of me.

"Just try and shoot." Aiku said, running up to block my shot.

I smiled, looked at the ball, and swung.


Everyone was still looking at us despite the ball being in the back of the net.

"What did I tell you, dumbass." I said with a smug. "I can shoot it faster.

"Yea yea, my bad Aki." He said with a small laugh.

"Stop my next shot if you can." I challenged.

"Aki!" Isagi cried out, tackling me.

"We're gonna win." I said to him, patting his back.

Rin walked up to us.

"We're gonna go with Plan B now." Rin said.

"Aye aye sir." Bachira said.

"Next one is mine." Isagi declared.

"If only you get the ball." I said smiling.

Sae started the final kickoff of the first half, and all of the forwards moved up with short passes to each other.

Teru received the ball and got pressed by Bachira and Isagi. He passed it to Kentou who was open. Once Kentou got it, he got pressed by Niko, who went for a slide tackle as soon as he began to shoot.

With his aim being limited, he shot it at the right post but Gagamaru saved it.

With an extra minute of added time, Sae got the second ball. Isagi and Bachira guarded him but he dribbled right, then went in between them to get past them.

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