Flow Explained

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We all went towards the training field. Most of the people went into the field to go practice and train.

However, I went into the gym to strengthen my body for the match. I saw Rin come in to and immediately begin training.

I warned up and started doing my leg workouts.

"If you don't warm up and stretch, you'll mess up your body." I warned Rin.

"Shut up number 3, I'm going to put my all into this game." He responded.

"What's up with you and Sae? When Ego mentioned him, you got even more serious than normal, long lower lashes."

"You wouldn't understand, it's a brother feud. I'm gonna crush him and prove to him, surpass him and prove it to him."

"Prove what?"

He was silent for a moment until he said, "Dreadhead, you better hit me with good passes."

"That's depends if you're gonna support my goal or not."

"Why the hell would I?"

"Then I won't pass to you, I'll beat you and the U-20 team."

"You sound like Isagi, it's driving me crazy."

I passed. "I'm gonna put my all into this game too. After the match, I'll be known as the Sparkling Star of Blue Lock."

"What's up with you and 'sparkling'?"

"It's in my name. The sparkling galaxy or the bright galaxy. Why would I not live up to the name my parents gave me?"

"So stupid."

"Just continue hating and watch as I soar above you all."

"I'll destroy your flight mid-air then."

"I'll be out of reach before you can."

We stopped saying words to each other but we conversed through our training.
Neither of us stopped our reps even when Isagi walked in.

"Oh hey Aki and Rin. Why is the atmosphere so weird in here?" He said.

Neither of us said a word. Isagi decided to speak to us again.

"It's break time you two, at least rest a little."

"Don't lump me in with you. If you're going to get in my way then leave." Rin said.

"But if you overdo it and wreck your body.."

Rin cut him off. "Then that's all I've got. I finally get to fight my bro- Sae Itoshi. I can crush him, surpass him. You have no idea how long I've wished for this moment."

Rin finally stopped his reps.

"Ha!" I laughed at him.

He turned to me with a glare but turned to face Isagi when he gave Rin a water bottle.

"Here." He said.

"I don't need it." Rin said, wiping his sweat.

"It's not like that, if you wreck your body then that's the end of Blue Lock and that's a problem for me. I'm saying don't make trouble for me, now drink up."

Rin reluctantly took the bottle.

"You too Aki, if any of our attackers can't play, it'll make me have to do more work."

"Fine." I stopped my reps and caught the bottle Isagi threw at me.

"So tepid." Rin said out loud.

"Shut up." Isagi and I said at the same time.

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