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Read the previous part if you already read it before the time of posting this. I added more to it.

I got back to my room and showered. Once I got out, spiky hair asked me, "You ready to play?"

"Just pass to me when we're on their side of the field." I replied.

He and snake laughed. "Shut up, I'll score too."

We got on the field and saw those 4 getting into position.

"The pink princess and the stupid one with glasses, watch out for their speed and acceleration." I warned.

"Got it~" Snake sang.

The match started in our possession. Spiky hair and glasses were moving up the field by doing one-two passes.

"Of course we'll pick you, your weapons are deadly." Nagi said, his response to yesterday.

"So I'm a play thing now?" I said while laughing.

"No, you're our rival. Everyone on this team wants to beat you, Bachira, and Isagi." Nagi said, with a plain face.

"Hehe, then come and get me." I said as I cut left of Nagi.

He started to run after me and that's when I cut back.

Spiky hair saw me and crossed it in to me. As soon as it touched the ground, I shot it and sent it to the top left corner.


"Why was your shot slower than usual?" Chigiri asked me.

"That was just a regular shot." I said back to him, smiling.

"Regular? That was regular? What the hell." He said in disbelief.

Spiky hair ran up to me. "What a crazy fast shot man!"

"I can get it faster." I said winking.

Chigiri began the next posession. He ran down the left side of the field with insane speed. He didn't even slow down.

He ran towards the corner of the goals and scored in the top left corner with a crazy amount of power.


"What a response Chigiri. That high speed dribbling is crazy."

He turned back and smiled. "C'mon and block my shot next time, Aki."

I scoffed. "As if."

I passed it snake and he then lobbed it to glasses. Glasses dribbled past Barou but got pressed by Zantetsu. He passed it to spiky hair who broke through past Nagi, Nagi went to defend him to block his path, and tried to shoot it but he hit the post.

Chigiri got it again and when snake stayed back to prepare for the speed burst, Chigiri passed it to Barou. Barou barreled through the open middle space until he got blocked by glasses.

With insane speed, he hit the ball right and then forward to break through and score.


"These guys are crazy." Glasses said.

"I would be surprised if they weren't this good." I said.

I took the ball and hit it over Nagi. I grabbed onto his shirt and got around him, accelerating. I got to the ball and stopped it to miss Zantetsu's tackle.

Chigiri came in to steal it but I passed it to Snake for him to dribble up on the left side of goal.

Zantetsu got up and sprinted towards him where Snake passed it straight to spiky hair. Barou grabbed onto his shoulder, threw off his balance and stole the ball.

"Shit! My bad!" He yelled out.

"All good!" I replied.

Barou passed forward to Nagi who was being defended by glasses.

Barou passed? What the hell happened to him for him to pass?

Nagi trapped it with the back of his heel and hit it over this head. He jumped, trapped it again with his foot and sent it to his right. He got to it first and shot the ball right past the goalkeeper.


"I can't believe you did that Nagi."

"We're trying to win. We'll do anything to move on."

"I can't believe you're so desperate."

"When we lost, I was desperate to get 2 more goals until its announced that we lost."

Really? I never knew that. Someone like Nagi got desperate.

"Dreadhead! You take the ball! Our weapons are getting shut down!" Spiky hair said.


I took the ball again and this time, Barou came at me first. I nutmegged him and slipped past him.

"Again!?" I heard him yell out.

Zantetsu and Chigiri rushed me, trying to tackle me. They grabbed onto my shirt but I accelerated, causing them to let go. Nagi ran up to me saying, "You look like how you did back then."

He tried to tackle me but I did a high speed scissor into a nutmeg. I pushed around him and took aim at the goal. I swung, and then ball was in the net.

"A shining star." Nagi finished saying.

"There's his awakening." Chigiri said with a smile.

"Now it's my turn to score." Zantetsu said.


What's this aura I'm feeling? It feels vast and bright. It's majestic yet deadly at the same time.

"What the hell! That's how fast your shots get!? That's insane!" Spiky hair said, jumping on me.

"Thanks." I laughed.

Nagi started possession and dribbled up the field. He loobed it over to Chigiri who took it all the way up the right side of the field instead of the left. He then hit a low, fast pass to Zantetsu.

Shit! He's right at this territory!

Zantetsu got to the ball and sent it into the top left corner, right past the goalkeeper's hands.


In the next possession, Nagi brought the attention of spiky hair and once he was closer enough, he passed to Barou. Barou took it to his range and immediately shot a curve shot into the top right corner.


"The 4v4 Rivalry Battle is over! Team white wins with a score of 5-2! Choose your 5th player and move through the winners door!"

"Those guys are crazy." Spiky hair said.

"Well, we'll need a new teammate." Glasses said.

"Aki." Nagi said.

I turned to face him.

"Let's go."

"Yeah." I said.

"See you later Dreadhead!" Spiky hair said, waving.

"I look forward to beating y'all!" I yelled back.

We walked through the doors that led to a hallway. At the end of the hallway held a dark room.

Ego came on the screens.

"All of you have cleared the second selection. You made the most of your skills and each other's skills, learning the principal of producing a chemical reaction. Now its the third selection. As I said, it's a special training camp with top players from across the world. In 24 hours, you'll play a 5v5 match against them. Now then, it's time to learn about the world."

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