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It was 6:30 and my alarm was going off annoyingly. To add to that, my bonnet disappeared from my head.

I got off my bed, turned off my alarm, and went to my closet.

I looked around my closet for some clothes and found a nice outfit for when I got to the café. I threw my clothes on the bed and took off my shirt.

"Woah." I said, looking at my body.

I never realized how much my muscles grew. I guess having that bodysuit on all the time and being tired, I never really looked at my body.

I saw my bonnet on top of my bed. I cursed it out, picking it up and then slamming it.

I took all of my clothes off and got in the shower, putting on my shower cap.

I finished my shower, then brushed my teeth and washed my face. I put on some deodorant, then my clothes. I grabbed my phone and wallet and went downstairs.

My dad was on his way out of the house.

"Oh, hey Aki."

"Hey dad!"

"You going somewhere?"

"Yea I'm going to Shibuya. Hanging out with a girl I met yesterday."

"Oh?" He raised an eyebrow. "I'll tell your mom to go out with her friends then, so you have the house to yourself."

"We're not gonna do that!" I raised my hand up.

He laughed. "Just in case. We'll come home late tonight, we're gonna have dinner at a restaurant." He winked.

"Ugh." I let out a little laugh. "Thanks."

"No problem." He put his thumb up with a smile.

"I love you dad."

"I love you too!" He said, leaving.

I grabbed a banana off the counter and went to my parents room.

"Ok, I'm leaving mom!"

"Don't go too crazy when you guys come back." She teased.

"Oh my-"

"Get going or else you'll be late!" My mom cut me off.

I sighed. "I love you mom."

"I love you too, Ki-chan!" She said.

I finished my banana and left the house. I walked to the train station and waited for the train. I checked my phone and saw Ichika text me.

Good morning Aki!

                            Good morning Ichika. I'll
                                    be there soon.

Ok! I'm getting ready right
now so same here.

                                               See you then.

The train arrived so I got on and rode to Shibuya. I arrived there and walked to the café. I sat down at one of the table's outside and waited.

"What will you order?" A waiter asked me.

"I'm waiting for a friend to come. Then we'll order." I told him.

"Alright." He left.

After 5 minutes, I saw her walking to the café. I raised my arm up and waved at her. She saw me and waved back, picking up her pace.

"Hey Ichika." I greeted her.

"Hey Aki!" She said.

She sat down and the waiter came again.

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