Outcome of the Match

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Nagi ran up to Sae first. He got past him and then ran up on Isagi. With an elastico nutmeg, he broke through Isagi.

Barou and Karasu began to press him then once he got past Karasu, Rin came in to slide tackle him. He jumped amd brought the ball with him, continuing to run after landing.

I was next in line, so I went to gurad Sae. He put all of his momentum into a rainbow flick and getting around me. I spun around and caught up to him.

"That's annoying." He said.

"Im trying to get married." I said with a smile.

He cut behind me and then cut back once I moved my center of gravity. That's when Hiori tried to slide tackle him, but he did the exact same thing as he did with Rin.

When he was a couple meters away from Aryu, he hit an outside spin cross to Shidou. With Shidou in the air, he kicked Rin in the face, Rin being there to block it.

Reo took the ball and lobbed it to Nagi, while everyone was distracted. We all began to run forward, Me, Nagi, Isagi, Bachira, and Barou.

Nagi hit a inside foot pass to Isagi who then did a one-two pass with Bachira past Haru.

Barou came in to steal the ball from Isagi but ended with Bachira taking it. He got past all of the defenders and shot over Aiku, but the striker for U-20 came in and cleared it backwards.

The ball got trapped by Aiku, using his chest. He then lobbed it to Sae and immediately, every single person on the U-20 was moving forward on attack.

"What the..!" I yelled out.

I ran back while saving some stamina to use my acceleration burst for later. After a barrage of shots, it finally ended in Aiku's hands and once he shot, Rin blocked it.

It went over the goal which resulted in a corner kick for U-20. Sae crossed it in and it almost reached Aiku, but it was a bit too far so it bounced to Shidou.

Isagi saw it coming though, and cleared it away towards Hiori. Hiori was able to trap it and then we all went on the counter.

I looked back to see who was behind us and that's where I saw it. I can't even begin to describe the emotion on Rin's face.

One thing I knew for sure was that it was disgust.

There he is~. That breaking moment, that snap.

He stole the ball from Hiori and went on a rampage. He got past 3 defenders using their own weapons against them, like it was a cake walk.

It was then him against Aiku. Shidou grabbed on his shoulder, which led to Isagi backing him up.

Rin continued to push on despite being guarded by Aiku and Shidou on his back. He faked a shot to throw off Aiku, dribbled right and hit a curve shot.

The ball bounced off of the post and landed at Sae's feet.

One minute of additional time.

Damn it! It can't end with a draw or Sae or Shidou scoring. But against Sae, anything you do is useless.

Shidou ran down the field, waiting for a pass. Isagi, Barou, and Nagi swarmed Sae to try and steal the ball, all failing. Then, Sae and Rin faced off.

Sae started with scissors and once Rin tried to tackle, he brought the ball right along the ground with his right foot. He popped the ball up by making it spin like crazy and then hit it over this head.

He pulled on Rin and went ahead of him. Rin spun around quickly and they pushed on each other with their arms.

Sae trapped it and pivoted right, bringing the ball with him. Their hands slipped off of each other, then Rin stuck his hand out but Sae blocked it. He took a step forward, put his back foot on the ball, and chopped it to his left. He was about to use his cross elastico against Rin, but Rin kicked the ball up and to the left with his right foot.

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