World's Top Players

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Leonardo Luna, Adam Blake, Pablo Cabassos, Dada Silva, and Julian Loki.

Top strikers from Spain, England, Argentina, Brazil, and France. And we're going against them. How are we supposed to win?

Is that what Ego meant by 'they're waiting'?

"We can't win, so y'all just wanna try to score a goal? I suggested.

"You can try. That's too much work." Nagi said, on his phone.

"Of course it is Nagi." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Who's gonna score though?" Chigiri asked.

"Me of course." I said. "Oh, does Barou not want to~?"

"Shut it. I'm gonna score. Hey, Nagi! Pick up your dirty ass socks!"

"Mm nah, too much work."

"Damn it! I can't stand him!"

Zantetsu pushed up his glasses. "I mean, to go from enemies to teammates. It's like that saying: Tomorrow's friends are today's enemies."

"You mean today's enemies are tomorrow's friends?" I said.

"Yeah, that."

"Stupid Zantetsu. Anyway, let's rest and go to sleep early tonight."

"Good idea, let's get dinner early." Chigiri said.

We got our dinner, I had to carry Nagi's food since he was 'tired', and went to sleep early.

By the time we all woke up, it was already a couple hours until our match.

"Shit! Y'all, wake up and get ready!" I yelled.

Everyone rose and wiped their eyes. Except Nagi. I walked over to him and I kicked him out of bed.

"Ow, what the hell was that for?"

"Get up and get ready, our game is in 2 hours."

"Help me get changed." Nagi said, rubbing his eyes.

"I'm not your damn mom! Hurry up!"

"Okay dad."

"Barou I understand your suffering." I said, with a dead voice.

"I can't stand him." He said, looking down at Nagi.

"We'll just drink some smoothies and eat a protein bar for breakfast so we don't fill our stomachs."

We all made our way down the the hallway and then reached the doors that said 3RD SELECTION.

We went through the doors and saw the 5 of them standing on the other side.

"So they all are scrawny!" Dada said.

"And that's why you lost the bet earlier." Adam said, annoyed.

"Did y'all already go against Japanese teenagers?" I said in english.

"Woah! He speaks english!" Dada said in surprise.

"Of course, my dad came from the UK. It's my second language."

"That's cool." Nagi said behind me.

"Oh? From Britain?" Adam asked me.

"Yea, I'll tell him I met you when I see him again."

"Give him my best regards." Adam said.


"A half-Japanese huh?" Leonardo Luna stepped up. "So your dad is black?"

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