"I CAN'T DO THIS!" I yell.

"Dr. Baker, this is an order," Catherine hisses.

"Please don't make me!" I cry out.

She's growing angry. "You have-"

"Just fucking get it over with," Darren shouts, not letting her finish.

"You shut up," she spits.

"Do it," he speaks anyway. "I want it done with."
"You heard the man."

Unexpectedly, his assurance calms me. Even though I don't want to do this, and I know he doesn't want to be on the receiving end, it has to be done.

I close my eyes and lift my arm, the whip in hand. I send the first smack to his naked back. My lids open and Catherine gives me an annoyed eye roll. "That barely hurt him. Harder!"


I take a deep breath, preparing myself for the worst. The second whip definitely makes a difference as he painfully mumbles a "fuck". There's already a small, red welt forming where I hit him.

The warden smiles, "One."

Ten more are sent to his, once, white skin. Each strike earns a more harrowing yelp and a deeper gash on the area. It isn't until the fifteenth strike when blood starts running down his backside. Hearing and seeing the damage dealt by yours truly makes me nauseous. I can't bear to see him suffer like this.


I slap him with another whip which causes him to scream, "FUCK."

When I reach thirty, tears start flowing down my cheeks. I've been in such a state of terror and shock that I have lost all my senses. All I hear is Darren's loud, agonizing shrieks. All I see are the bloody gashes damaging his skin.

I know it hurts worse than he's showing off. He's trying to be brave for me.


I finally form a coherent thought again, and I'm freaking out. This is all too much. I've never experienced something so horrible in my life. This needs to end. Now.

I stop.

"I'm done!" I burst into tears.

"No, you're not," Catherine laughs.

The fact that she finds this to be a form of entertainment is screwed up. Everyone's staring at me, waiting for my next move. Edward and I make eye contact. My jaw clenches as I give him a hostile glare.
He looks away. Good.

"I said I am DONE!" I bark. There is no way I'm whipping him eighteen more times. I've had enough.
What once was fear is turning into pure anger. I can't take being treated like a child any longer. This place is not a good place, and it's beginning to take me down with it.

"Fine." She grabs the bloodied whip out of my hand. "I'll finish this my damn self."

There's no time spared as she starts to continue. I wince when she hits him much harder than I did. Catherine shows no mercy.

His wails roar throughout the room. I need to get out of here.

I run out of the room and back to the comforts of my office. The entire way back, the sound of Darren's screeches grow farther and farther away.


     It's the end of the workday for me. I wasn't able to do much after this morning's events. In fact, I don't think I managed to get a single thing done. I spent most of the time staring at the wall. I couldn't even get my lunch down.

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