Chapter 17

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Aurora sat on a large corner seat with a blanket over her so she didn't feel cold. Lori was definitely sitting next to her and some members were also sitting or just standing. Aurora felt a little abandoned, but luckily she had Lori beside her. Aurora finds out that this house is the home of The Wolf Boys. All the boys lost their parents because of The Wolf Killers and, since they were still under 18, they were sent to a bad orphanage, but one night they escaped and have been living in this cabin house ever since. Aspen was like the first to lose his parents and found the house cabin behind the waterfall.

Aspen took the lead. What he began to say surprised Aurora. Since The Wolf Killers are after the girl, they should vote or they think that Aurora should be a wolf and be trained. Aspen further explained that they must have a gooey plan to trap the alpha of The Wolf Killers and kill him.

Aspen was silent and looked around the room. Everyone was quiet as mice and said nothing, a sign that they had no plans. He let out a small sigh and looked serious. "I will speak to the alpha of The Wolf Killers. Alone."

Everyone was startled by that answer. It was wildly dangerous to do so alone. Yes, Aspen is the strongest of the group, but who knows if that alpha of The Wolf Killers was even stronger than Aspen? What if Aspen is ambushed and killed? Then The Wolf Boys would have no alpha who could make them suffer.

After no one gave an answer, Aspen continued, "I don't want anyone spying on me. Is that understood?"

Everyone nodded except Aurora. She made no eye contact with him and thought of a plan herself. Aurora already knows it will be dangerous, so that's why she decided to spy on how things would play out between the two alphas. Someone had to be on the lookout and someone also had to keep an eye on everything to make sure everything was okay. Did Aspen think no one loved him?


The girl was startled, wide awake, and looked at Aspen, who said her name. Aspen did not look at her with satisfaction. "I know what you're thinking. Don't implement that."

Aurora only nodded gently to give him a sign that she had listened. Forget it, Aspen. I want to take care of you, Aurora thought, and she stood up and everyone looked at her. "Where's my room?"

Before Aspen could answer, it was Lori who said something. "You and I are going to share a bedroom. The group agreed."

Aurora let out a small smile. She thought she would have to share a room with Aspen while he was the alpha of the group. But what was Lori's role in the group? Was she a backup wolf? A nurse?

Then Aspen said something that startled Aurora. That night there will be a big full moon in the sky. What did that mean? Aurora will be bitten by Aspen and will be able to transform into a wolf.

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