Chapter 1

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Aurora didn't exactly want to leave her hometown, but her parents found better jobs in another town where it was more natural this time. What you may ask? A very big forest where wild animals lived. Aurora had seen forests before, but she was a small child up to her teenage years. The last time she saw a forest would be 15 at the time, which was 3 years ago, since she turned 18 a month ago. Aurora has blond hair with beautiful brown eyes. You thought they were blue, didn't you? Well, no. It may happen when a person has brown eyes while having blond hair. Yes, there were cases like these.

Aurora sighed as she sat still in the car that her father drove. Her ass began to ache in pain from sitting for too long since they were on the road. It had been like 3 hours already. Yes, they were that long on the road. "Dad, are we there yet?"

Aurora's father, Bill, drove the car while his wife, Carly, sat next to him. He sighed as he had to answer for the 5th time already. "Yes, honey. We are almost there."

Carly looked over her shoulder to face Aurora with an unpleasant look. "Aurora, let your father focus on the road, will you?" She scolded her daughter.

Aurora scowled back at her mom. She was close to her father, Bill, rather than closer to her mom, Carly. Bill was a buff man around who worked as a gym trainer in town before he found another job in the town where he's riding now. Aurora found it lame because her father's new job was this time in an office. Aurora wanted to speak out about how she didn't want to leave but kept quiet due to fear. She also kept quiet about what she found about her father working in an office. Bill had plans to work out in his free time at the gym that was close to their workplace.

Carly was a hairdresser and since her husband found a better job, she had to quit, but officials plan to find work in a city close to her new home.

But what about Aurora? Did she have plans? Not really. She was quite a loner who didn't have any friends. Even though she was a loner, luckily, no one made fun of her, since loners were easy targets. She would spend time either at the school library or taking walks outside. Aurora wasn't happy to go to a new school where she had to be careful of any bad bullies in the neighborhood and at her school. She wasn't a good fighter either.


Finally, after like another 15 minutes of driving, Bill finally arrived at his destination with his family. Their new house. Aurora took a good look at the house through the car window. She found it... weird. The house looked like it was from the early 20th century. It had at least one door and an upstairs balcony, which was cool to get some fresh air.


Aurora is busy unpacking the baggage from her father's car after a long road trip from their previous house. Everything was out of there, so their old home is on sale for everyone interested in it. Aurora pulled out a small box that belonged to her with her stuff in it and went inside. In fact, it's the first box she took and is looking for her room now. She stopped in front of the stairs that led upstairs towards her room and her parent's bedroom. She sighed as she made no hesitation and walked up the stairs. The floor cracked with each step she took. Those stairs must be old, but so is the house Aurora's inside.

Just as she reached up to the top and was about to turn the corner, she got scared the crap out of her soul thanks to her mother. "Oh, honey! Sorry for startling you! Your room is right here, let me show you," Carly said with a smile as she led her daughter towards their bedroom. She stopped outside of a door that was Aurora's bedroom. She smiled at her daughter. "Here's your room, darling. Take a look in there before coming down to help.

Aurora watched how her mom disappeared from her bedroom as she looked around. Her room could be at least nicer, but she'll take care of it. There were some cracks and tears in the walls. They were ugly gray as well, typical for an old bedroom. She sat the box down on the floor against the wall as she walked slowly up to her only window in the bedroom. Once she took a look outside, it faced the city in the distance but also a forest, a big one at that.

Before she officially moved to the town that she'd live in, she did a lot of research just to see out of curiosity what special places the town has. To her utter surprise, people come here to adventure around and even see the wild animals that live in the forest that Aurora saw in the distance through her bedroom window. There lived bears, deer... Everything you could name of animals that live in the forest. But there also lived an animal that Aurora loved. Wolves. There was just something that she loved about them, even if she didn't know exactly what. Wolves were pretty special. They can howl, and belong to strong packs, and the alpha was the most important one. Aurora wanted to know more about what the alpha did to keep their packs alive. She began to daydream about wolves. She was running next to them like a human, while the wolves were just wolves.

She was then awoken sharply out of shock and she felt like she was going to have a heart attack. It was her father, who called his daughter from downstairs. "Honey, are you coming down?!"

Aurora sighed, disappointed that her dad had ended her dream world. "Coming dad!" She then quickly left her room, went downstairs, and then went outside. 

The Alpha BiteOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant