Chapter 9

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Aurora ran fast however she could. She used all her strength in her legs and feet. It was quite difficult to run for her in the forest because there were branches, leaves, and stones on the ground. There was no path to see what she could follow. She had to try to escape as fast as she could from the glowing eyes she saw in the distance. She knew it was following her and that made her even more afraid than ever. She panted over that running but didn't stop, hoping to escape. But will she succeed? Aurora didn't want to die because wolves could be dangerous. But what if it was a wolf-shifter that was after her?

Aurora let out a yelp as she fell to the ground. She looked and saw a hard tree root that she fell over. She quickly released her foot and was ready to get up but it was too late. She looked behind her over her shoulder and screamed in fear. There wasn't just one glowing eye, there were four and they were all wolves. All the wolves were brown with some shades of black in them and Aurora crawled backward as she sat on her ass and she looked fearfully at all the wolves. They made all the sounds from their mouths like growling and barking.

They did not all look happy that a human was in their territory. Aurora began to think quickly as she watched the wolves. She let out a yelp when a wolf almost bit her because it jumped, so she crawled backward again, but to her not-so-great luck, she made contact with a large rock, and now she was trapped. She looked fearfully at the wolves, which kept growling and barking. Then she saw that the wolves were being approached by someone, so they bowed their heads. It was quiet except for a large black wolf arriving, not happy and even looking sternly at Aurora with its eyes. Aurora did notice one thing about all those wolves. She didn't see it, but the big black wolf had orange eyes that were almost red. So orange-red-like. All those wolves that had bowed their heads had the exact same eye colors as that black wolf. Were they evil enemies?

The black wolf walked slowly toward her always with the same look on his face, and he towered over her. His face was so close to hers that she looked straight into the wolf's eyes. Then the wolf gestured his sharp teeth and Aurora clenched her eyes shut in fear and she was prepared for anything until everyone heard it. A howl from another wolf and everyone looked where it came from, including Aurora, who opened her eyes. It was coming from behind the rocks. The howl was so close than you thought. Then the black wolf was attacked by a big brown wolf that jumped off the rocks. Then four more came out and all the wolves started fighting each other. Aurora watched more in fear as the big wolves fought harder against each other. The black wolf seemed to be winning, so Aurora quickly looked around and found a big, hard and strong stick. Aurora looked and saw that the black wolf was biting too hard on the neck of the big brown wolf and it howled in pain, so Aurora took hold of the stick and let out a battle cry from her mouth as she ran to the black wolf and started beating the wolf. The black wolf quickly released the brown wolf and growled at her, but then the brown wolf attacked the black wolf again. The wolf dodged the attack and ran away. He let out a bark to signal his teammates to leave, so that was what the wolves did.

Aurora panted and took a deep breath to calm herself and dropped the stick. She looked at the brown wolves who had saved her and had normal eye colors as all the wolves looked at her. They made no noises, no growling, no barking, ...

Aurora took her attention to the big brown wolf and saw that he had wounds. Were they all males? She did not know, but something told her that all were males. She cautiously took steps closer to the big wolf and held out her hands, a sign that she didn't want to hurt anyone. The wolf looked at her calmly but when Aurora looked at his eyes, she saw that he had the exact same eyes as...


The wolf answered the name and wiggled his ears and he just looked at the other four wolves, who were also brown and staring at the scene in front of them. The leader barked at his teammates and walked in the direction he knew. The direction toward the city.

Aurora stood looking puzzled until the leader stopped and watched Aurora over his shoulder as the teammates continued. The girl realized the wolves wanted her to follow them. "You want me to follow along?"

The wolf nodded and watched Aurora follow, so the leader walked on while the girl also followed.


The wolves stopped behind a small mountain and lay down so they could not be spotted. The leader also lay down and they all looked at Aurora, who was quietly strolling up the little hill, and saw her home close by! She looked smiling and was super happy to see her home. She just wanted to thank the wolves for bringing her home, but when she turned around, she saw that they were quickly gone. Her smile disappeared. Where had they gone? 

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