Chapter 5

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Already a week had passed since Aurora had met Aspen, who saved her. Every time she thought about him. He was just so handsome, but he was just different. The girl could hear his growl in her mind and she didn't know how to feel or what emotion to choose. Scared? Fascinated? Impressed? Interested? Happy?

But his growl was not the only thing that grabbed her attention, it was also even his deep blue eyes. Blue eyes were beautiful like any other eye color, but Aspen's were also different. It was as if he had the eyes of a wolf.

Aurora explained everything to Lori, who began to laugh out that she thought it was funny. "Aspen? A wolf? Are you out of your mind?"

Aurora looked at Lori seriously. "But I'm serious. His growling and his blue eyes ... they're just different! I just know it."

Lori stopped laughing and, indeed, she noticed how seriously Aurora was looking at her. She felt embarrassed and puzzled. She felt her cheeks turn red because of that and it did take her a while to get back to normal. "Oh," Lori began to speak, "but you never know. You have no proof, but I won't tell anyone." She smiled.

Aurora smiled back at her. "Thanks."

The girls were walking the whole time until they stopped because then they heard the bell. They looked at the clock hanging next to the bell and it was indeed for class. The girls looked at each other and giggled and started walking on until Aurora stopped because she had a feeling she had forgotten something. Lori also stopped, who now looked concerned. "What is it?"

Aurora realized she had forgotten her science book so she quickly looked at Lori and said what was wrong and that she would come to class.

Lori nodded. "See you soon." And she walked away towards their classroom.

Aurora wasted no time and immediately went to her locker, which was locked for safety reasons. She opened her locker and looked for her science book and there she found herself grabbing it out. She locked her red locker back and went on her way to her class.

But while she was on her way, suddenly it got dark here at school. Was there a school lockdown? Then she heard it. There was screaming out of fear. Aurora got scared. What is happening? Her heart and her breath stopped working. There was a school lockdown. But the reason for it was really super sad but also full of fear. There was gunfire around the school. That's why some students were screaming out of fear. Aurora immediately got scared until her feelings said she had to hide. Where she was now, there was a risk of being seen by the perpetrator. What happened to her was best, perhaps not a smart hiding place. The ladies' restroom was nearby, so the girl ran in there and hid in the 3rd stall. She closed the lid and stood on it and stooped so as not to be seen. She did not lock the stable door because otherwise, the culprit would surely see the color red instead of green. She heard the culprit keep shooting at school and some more shouting from the other students going into the trauma of their lives. She began to worry about Lori and even Aspen. Why? She didn't know. Lori was definitely in class, but was Aspen? Where was he?

Then it was silent everywhere you could say. In the hallways, classes, etc. Then Aurora heard footsteps in the hallway and it was closer than she thought. And then it happened. The perpetrator entered the ladies' restroom and stepped slowly stem by stem. Aurora didn't see the footsteps but she heard them. Never before had she felt so scared in her life. She would never forget that. She wanted to call her parents and tell them she loved them, but she wasn't allowed to make any sounds. Every time she was at school, she put her cell phone on silent. She was grateful that it was now silent. She held her breath, as quiet as a mouse, so as not to attract the attention of the perpetrator who was now outside the stables.

This was exactly like a horror movie and Aurora felt a soundtrack playing in her head where the culprit was nearby. The culprit was outside the stables though and the girl was struggling. Out of fear, some victims can cry because they are so scared and Aurora felt tears stinging her eyes out of fear.

But then a strange thing happened. The perpetrator quickly went to the door toward the hallway but stopped and began to plead. What was going on? Aurora wanted desperately to see but she couldn't. Then she heard it-a growl. It was from a wild animal!

"No, don't hurt me!" begged the culprit at the wild animal.

The growl became even angrier and even louder than the loud barking that Aurora had ever heard. The culprit screamed like a little girl and Aurora let out a gasp and a yelp of shock. She immediately put her hand in front of her mouth. Shots were fired and then there was silence.

Aurora couldn't believe what she was doing. She let out a gasp and a yelp that she would definitely be in trouble with the culprit by now but ... it didn't show up. Then again she heard the growl of the same wild animal and then Aurora heard how it smelled. A while later, to Aurora's great relief, she heard the footsteps of the wild animal disappearing from the toilet. 

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