Chapter 11

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Aurora looked at herself in the mirror before leaving. She had on disguised clothes and looked like a young detective ready for action. That morning, Aurora received word that the perpetrators had been found and apprehended. She got her backpack back and she was glad to have it back because she wanted to find out more about the wolf-shifters, who possibly lived in the forest near her school or even in the town. Her parents were working and they weren't home until late, so Aurora had time. She put the hood over her head and mumbled: "Perfect."

She had all the things she needed in a little black shoulder bag and she left. She locked the door behind her and this time she was more alert around as she walked toward her school. She looked at her watch and started to walk faster because school was almost done. After she arrived, she made sure her face was thoughtful by pretending she was reading a magazine. She then heard the bell and observed behind her sunglasses as all the students came out and went home. It took a while before Aspen finally appeared. He was still ever so handsome as what Aurora remembered, but then she saw how alert he became. He looked around to make sure the coast was clear before heading toward the wilderness.

Now, this is my chance, Aurora thought and tucked her magazine away in her shoulder bag before stepping back to follow Aspen. She headed toward the wilderness.


Aurora started to get a little nervous because the deeper Aspen went, the scarier it seemed to go into the forest. The forest was large here, which meant plenty of room for wolves to wander around wherever they wanted. Every time Aspen stopped, Aurora also stopped and hid behind the broad trunks. She always waited a few seconds before continuing to spy on Aspen, but she also felt guilty about what she did. What if Aspen caught her and doesn't want to be friends with her at all? Aurora once wanted to be friends with another person months ago. She still remembers well how interested she was in that young man around her age, but to her great shock, that young man was an extremely dirty guy than you think. She will never forget that. Aurora was now interested again, but this time in Aspen. It was getting dark quickly again and that scared Aurora. She wanted to go home and stay nice and safe there forever.

Aspen had stopped again already and Aurora hid behind a wide log close by and stuck her head out cautiously to see what he was doing. Aspen's backpack lay on the ground beside him and Aurora watched nervously as Aspen ... began to transform? Aurora watched in shock how quickly he transformed into the exact same big brown wolf! So it's Aspen!

Now that Aurora finally had her answer, she'd better run off. But when she wanted to turn around, she swallowed a yelp of shock as someone grabbed her. Now she began to scream but the person quickly covered her mouth with his hand. She was dragged along toward Aspen.

"Hey, Aspen! I caught this person spying on you!" It was a boy's voice.

Aspen, now the big brown wolf, turned and walked toward her while transforming back into a human. He happily had clothes on and looked sternly through the sunglasses at Aurora, who began to struggle, but the boy grabbed her harder so she could not escape. Aspen carefully removed the sunglasses and took off the hood as well. "Mwo! Aurora!?" His blue eyes were wide in shock.

Aurora looked at him with a small smile out of nervousness. Now she was really caught out. What should she say? 

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