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For once I can say hi :iminnocent: in a postface and not get shot afterwards

Anyway hi :iminnocent: 

I hope you all enjoyed reading Mission: NYX, and I'll see you all soon!

Wait, I have to say more?? Well, what else is there to say??? The book went out the way I want it to be, I didn't have a subplot that I scrapped, I didn't change anything from the original plan—Mission: NYX has been the smoothest book I've written. 

minus the fact that my laptop charger died so i wrote and published chapters 10 to the epilogue in my ipad 

But we didn't have a sme scenario. That's the most important part. 

Writing Lucinda was also... something :finlaysmug: Of all my characters, she's always the one who's head is difficult to get into. But it was fun to write an entire book in her perspective. And can you believe I wrote an entire DUO novella without having—

Though I do have to say that I hate the fact that we had to use the Wattpad word count. Using the word count here was pain. Hey did you know if you add space at the end of a period, it counts as a new word for some reason. 

It was inaccurate, and for some reason it added words if I just... placed images for some reason. According to GoogleDocs, Mission: NYX has a total of 36220 words. That's almost a thousand word difference. Wattpad be consistent with your stuff challenge >:V

If you enjoyed reading Mission: NYX, then why not go check out Codename: DEMON, the first book in the DUO! Or you can go join my Patreon and have early access to the DUO Webtoon! The first season of the Webtoon takes place around four months before the start of Codename: DEMON, and you can see more Investigation Squad shenanigans. And also bby Greyson. You can see more of Greyson, this time as an adorable eleven year old. They grow up so fast but are still subjected to child labor T^T

If you're interested in more of my stuff, why not join my mini Discord server in Writer's Kingdom and get a front seat view of my clownery. Or join the Dreamland Discord server and find other cool writer friends :DD

I think that's all I have to say now. Thank you once again for reading Mission: NYX. If you're also writing for the ONC, I wish you all luck! 

~ Ace O. Spades

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