Chapter 1: Twenty-Three Minutes

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Twenty-three minutes. That was how much time Lucinda had left.

Just like every hotel room in existence, this one was freezing. Even more so since her black dress didn't have any sleeves to cover her arms, and her white hair did little to cover her exposed skin. It was, fortunately, long enough to cover her legs, but they were still too thin to actually make a difference.

She had kept her lips pursed ever since she arrived in the room. The only times she talked was when she asked the receptionist which room she was supposed to go to, and the second was when she had to confirm to the people inside the room that it was her at the door. Ever since then, it felt like her lipstick was about to glue her lips together from how quiet it was. Only the sound of the air conditioner filled the silence.

Once or twice, her eyes turned to the people standing in front of her. Both of them stood at the other ends of the couch, even if there was no one there yet. She barely looked at them, but it was easy to tell that their eyes never left hers. The first bodyguard kept his hands in his jacket's pockets, while the other's arms were crossed. The woman was still, but the man kept tapping his foot on the carpeted floor and often swayed side to side.

Neither of their ears were pointy. None of them were wielders, which meant none of them had abilities she should worry about.

Their intense stare made it difficult to survey the room properly, but she managed. The room was a luxury room, even for a five star hotel. It was large enough to fit three couches, and yet there was only one bed near the window, boasting a view of the bustling city below. Or was it really boasting anything when the view showed nothing but the bright neon lights in each corner of the street?

Everything was like what she expected so far.

"What did you say your name was again?"

She turned her eyes to the counter. Her host stood, opening a fridge and grabbing a bottle of wine. Her dyed bright green hair was short, but it was cut in a way that almost hid her pointy ears.

Melanie Villegas. At least, that was the name the woman gave.

Lucinda placed a hand on her chest and smiled. "Lucinda Saffirus."

"Interesting. Your dress is very fancy."

"I was invited to a five star hotel. I thought I should dress according to the occasion."

That wasn't a lie. Her handler told her the exact same thing. Melanie and her bodyguards wore simple business suits, making her feel overdressed. But apart from what she had said, wearing her regular clothes would make it easier for people to track her down. At least this way, she disguised herself.

Even if said disguise might have cost half of her paycheck.

"Well then. Care for a drink, Miss Saffirus? Wine, maybe beer. Or how about coffee? I can make a new one for you."

Almost, one of Lucinda's pointy ears twitched. But she kept smiling. "You don't happen to have hot chocolate with you, don't you?"

"Apologies, but I'm not a fan of sweets. I don't have any."

Melanie popped the bottle of wine and poured herself a glass. Once she finished, she headed to the couch where her two bodyguards stood. Her steps were slow, as if she was intentionally stalling the time. Relief replaced the adrenaline in Lucinda's veins when the woman finally sat down. But even then, she paused to take a large swig of her wine before placing it down.

Lucinda placed her hands on her lap as she crossed her ankles. Twenty minutes.

"I'm surprised you gave your real name," Melanie said. "I thought you were going to give an alias."

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