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The winter hit hard this year in Norway, a jabbing cold that would numb you from the problems that stressed you on an everyday basis. A thick knee deep blanket of snow wrapped itself around the country suffocating the city. Norway was known for its beautiful landscapes, its picturesque mountains, glaciers and waterfalls however it masked the more sinister side of Norway.

It was one of the richest nations in the world and perhaps considered one of the best countries to live in despite this many failed to notice the dark side of it..It was riddled with a system of crime, drugs and money...Run by the king..

Every jungle had a king and in this jungle I was the king, nothing escaped me, I was always two steps ahead. This was my empire, an empire that I built along with my family, it was all rightfully ours and I wasn't giving it up for anyone and no one could take it away from me.


My fingers drummed impatiently against the car, my leg was shaking as I was growing more and more impatient. I was raging and I was about to snap. My sleek black Range Rover drove in. I noticed someone rush over to my door to open it for me but I opened it myself, slamming into the guy.

He groans in pain and collapses to the floor as I make my way into the building. The receptionist staff stood up quickly as they noticed my presence but didn't usher a word as they let me breach policies as I made his way to the lift.

I got in and pressed the button for floor 7 and waited, my fingers still drumming against my thigh as I kept cool. I could feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and glanced at it to see that it was Jaishankar uncle..I decided to ignore it since it wasn't my brother that was calling me. It probably wasn't anything important.

The lift opened and I stormed out and pushed open the glass doors, I pulled it so aggressively that the glass door cracked and started breaking away from the sheer force.

The office owner stood suddenly, sweat coating his forehead which slowly dripped down his face as he gulped.


"Sir, call me sir, just sir, don't even think of saying my name.." I barked. I wasn't in the mood for pleasantries today, I was beyond mad and was ready for some bloody action.

"Sir-" the man squeaked..he knew his days were numbered and that I could explode at any moment and that he had to be careful with his words. "I solved your problem-"

This perked my interest as I ran my hand through my beard. I gave a curt nod giving him the permission to continue.

Relief flooded through him. "I managed to talk with some higher officials and bribed them so that our supplies weren't going to get lost -" he continued to ramble as he explained himself.

I took a moment to think, my hand running through my beard. "I guess you did a good job,"

I took a few steps closer to him. "Because I don't like it when my work is ruined, you should know how long I have worked for this.."

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