"Alessandro!" I yell angrily on the verge on tears. To be completely transparent I'm not angry at him. I'm angry at the damn shirt stuck around my arms.

I resist the urge to stomp my feet on the ground like a toddler when the shirt won't come off. Looks like I gained more weight.

I feel his fingers brush my arms as he gently pulls the shirt off. He pats down my hair and places a kiss to the pout on my lips. "Patience is key." He murmurs quietly. He hands me the beige dress with roses that we bought earlier at one of the shops I saw.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you." I frown. He's so good to me. He's so nice to me. He freaking loves me and I have the nerve to yell at him.

He smiles a little amused. "You're hormonal."

"That's true." I nod a little solemnly. "Sorry you're the one who gets the end of it."

He only smiles. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

Aless gives me some privacy to change into the dress before we head off to a cafe. I've been dying to try the hot chocolate and some macaroons.

His hands clasps mine as well walk down the popular streets of Paris. A car with one of his drivers is following us in case my feet behind to hurt. Which is likely.

The cup of dark thick liquid chocolate is placed before me followed by a mini plate with whipped cream. Aless thanks the barista in French and takes a seat next to me.

"When did you learn French?" I inquiry, stirring the whipped cream into my chocolate just as he showed me.

"Last year," his arm comes around my neck and pulls me towards him. "I had a business trip here and stayed a few months."

"That's nice." I smile. "That means you'll know some good places to take us?"

His lips quirk up. "Amore, I have the whole trip planned out."

I beam up at him. "Really? I'm so excited!" We decided to stay a few weeks and have the maternal wing of the hospital on speed dial. By the time we leave I'll be just over my seventh month of pregnancy.

Sure it'll be risky and the babies have a possibility of being born in Paris. We have a good lawyer ready in case the babies are born here in France to make sure we can file them as US citizens.

Many many shops later the back seats of the car are covered in shopping bags.

On our way to the Eiffel Tower restaurant Aless has both his hands on my stomach as he whispers to the babies.

"Your mom is enjoying herself. I can see it in the way she smiles and the way her eyes have a content gleam. I hope my two little girls are enjoying themselves with all the good foods their mama is eating." He smiles against my bump and places two kisses on it.

I love the two kisses he places on my stomach everyday.

"Ready?" He leans back up giving me a kiss of my own as the car stops. I grab his hand laughing at how hard the babies are still kicking from when he was talking to them. They get so excited at his voice it's adorable. 

"Mhm." I happily nod. I look up and all the air leaves my lungs in a big gush. The tower is tall. It's amazing to witness up close.

"It gets better." He chuckles at my starstruck expression. He tugs on my hand and walks us in. I'm too busy gawking at everything I hardly notice the place is empty.

"Oh my god Aless!" I run up the window as we get to the second floor. "There's a Ferris wheel over there!"

"Come here." He laughs grabbing me by the waist. "We'll go there next but right now our food is waiting."

"We're going there next?" I grin as I follow him. My question is forgotten when I see the room dimly lit with candles and the minimal light from the setting sun. Each empty table has a white table cloth but only one has a rose with two plates.

"Aless." I gasp holding a hand to my chest. "It's so beautiful."

He looks relieved as if I wouldn't have liked it. "I'm glad you think so."

He pulls my chair out like the gentleman he is and helps me sit. "Look through the menu and choose anything your little heart desires."

I'm more tempted to order dessert than actual food but ultimately decide against it. I order something with a very fancy very expensive sounding name and a ginger ale.

Since we're the only ones here at the moment most likely to Aless booking the place our food is out quick. "Will that be all Mr and Mrs Esposito?"

My eyes widen and my cheeks heat up. "T-that's all thanks." I blink a few times trying to make sense of the funny feeling on my chest.

Mrs Esposito. That could be my name. And it sounds nice as I say it in my had. The funny feeling in my chest seems to be my heart fluttering.

"You alright there...?" Aless says with a teasing smile, "Mrs Esposito."

My heart is ready to explode. "I'm great." I place the back of my palm onto my cheek feeling its heat. "Amazing."

"Yea?" He looks at me as if gauging my reaction. "Alright then."

As promised Aless took me to the Ferris wheel after dinner. The weather was nice and warm which helped me relax as we stayed at the top for a while.

Aless called it the birds view of Paris. It was lovely.

The river had a small boat floating through it and the birds flew above it. It looked wonderful. "Can we do that?" I asked him watching the boat go down the river.

"Take a boat ride down the Seine river? Of course we can. This trip is for you to enjoy yourself which means we'll do any thing you'd like." I turn on the bench we're on to face him. His hand cups the back of my neck and he pulls me in for a kiss.

"This trip is for you to enjoy yourself as well Aless." I remind him as he holds me close.

"I can assure you I'm enjoying every second."

We walked around and I enjoyed a few sweet treats before returning to the penthouse.

I changed into a swimsuit I bought earlier and got ready for the hot tub.

I shriek as Aless tugs on my arm. The warm water engulfs my body making me sigh out in pleasure. "This feels great. Especially after walking all day."

He pulls me to straddle him and rests his face into the crook of my neck. "Yea. This does feel great."

His big hand is resting on my sides giving me comforting strokes. "Aless?"

"Yes, my love?"

"What do you want for your birthday?" I grip his face between my palms and look at him. "It's in three days."

"I have all I want." He says in a soft voice as he twirls strands of my hair. "All I've ever wanted is right here I'd be a fool to want anything else."

"I can make you something or give you something. Just say what." My own fingers reach up and run through his hair.

"Just be here with me, yea?" His eyes hold so much awe as he looks at me. I can't help but nod wanting to make all his wishes come true.

"I'll always be here." Whatever he wants I'll give him. Whatever he needs.

I kiss his forehead and his cheeks and his lips. I'm going to do something for him. He deserves for me to celebrate him.

I run my fingers over his cheekbones wanting to feel every part of him under my fingertips. "Alessandro I love you so much."

His lips part and his eyes roam every part of my face. His hand moves up to stoke my cheek leaving water droplets in its path. "You have no idea how fast those words make my heart beat."

I press my hand to his chest feeling his heart beat against my palm. "I do."

He smiles letting out a small laugh. "I love you more than you know."

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