Chapter 17: Magic & Mysteries - Part 1

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She certainly prized it after years of being excluded from such pickup games at Sanctum because "You're the Invincible Girl, so it'd be unfair since whichever team had you would win." Maybe she could see if her team or Team RWBY were up for a round of this capture-the-flag after dinner.

"Couldn't have said it better myself," Taiyang nodded, Red Sprinter galloping for Blake and Coin Dragon. Both monsters and even Blake had big competitive smiles streaking over their faces. "As much as monsters enjoy being summoned to duel, it's important to make sure that's not all they're summoned to do. People, monsters, we all need to play. If all we do is work or fight, even if we love doing it, eventually we'll give out."

Blake snatched the orange flag from Red Sprinter, her dragon bobbing and weaving through the trees. Just as a shadow fell over her from above, followed by two bursts of flowery fire forcing her into a straightaway.

"Got you!" Ruby exclaimed, her red hood billowing behind her as she proudly stood with a foot each on White Rose Dragon and Red Rose Dragon, the dragons smirking as their maws crackled with fire.

Ruby slapped another card onto Crescent Rose, the glittering plumage of Roxrose Dragon flashing into being beneath her.

"Keep her boxed in, boys!" Ruby called to her original mounts as she jumped onto Roxrose Dragon.

White Rose Dragon and Red Rose Dragon each preened with pride at their duelist's glee. The sibling drakes spared each other a challenging side-eye, before following orders and unleashing a hail of fireballs on either side of Blake, forcing the cat faunus and her Coin Dragon into a straightaway.

But in a straightaway, no one could match Ruby Rose in speed.

"I got you!" Ruby shouted, her semblance blurring her and Roxrose Dragon forward in a blur of rose petals, her fingers suddenly closing around the orange flag. "I got you! I got–a shadow clone. Oomphf!"

Indeed, Blake, Coin Dragon, and the orange flag all flashed below their purser, Ruby's fingers flailing through a ghostly afterimage. Right before she and Roxrose smacked into a thick tree trunk.

Pyrrha, Jaune, Nora, and Ren all winced as Ruby slid down the tree, her monsters glittering away in sparks of aura.

"Time!" Taiyang yelled. "Blake and Yang win!"

"Woo!" Yang cheered, Bumblebee whirring to a stop by her father and Team JNPR. The blonde girl reached up to pet Red Sprinter while she smirked at Weiss. "And with that, the prettier half of Team RWBY takes the 'Not Having to Do Dishes' championship."

"I still say we need a better title if you all insist on having a name for it," Weiss grumbled, Paladin of White Dragon's rider helping her down from its dragon. The heiress bowed gratefully to her monster once she was on the ground, the knight and its mount doing the same before smiling and disappearing into sparks. "Also, I demand that you at least rinse the plates before just throwing them into the sink. I'm not Klein, my 'elbow grease' can only get so much of your actual grease off."

"Don't worry, Weiss," Ruby assured her partner, having blurred over with Blake in a flurry of petals. "Dad and I can take care of the ones that your rich girl childhood left you helpless against."


Blake buried a small smile from her lips before nervously turning to Taiyang. "So, um, Mr. Xiao-Long, do you think–"

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