Chapter 6: Black Rose vs Blue-Eyes - Part 2

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So far, Ozpin had been quite pleased by the performances of both members of the new Team RWBY. Though Ruby currently had the advantage in both life points and field presence, he could hardly count Weiss out just yet. The Schnee heiress had proven that she was a worthy scion to Nicholas's legacy, and he'd seen worse duelists come back from more dire situations.

Though if his suspicions of her scar, and general knowledge of Jacques Schnee's disposition, were true, there may have been more at work than skill alone could combat. After all, she couldn't defeat Ruby if she was distracted fighting herself.

"I activate Burial From a Different Dimension! This allows me to return my three banished Phantom Knights to my graveyard," Weiss said, slotting the spell card into her duel disk before her hand dove for her graveyard. "Then I'll banish The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak all over again to add The Phantom Knights of Stained Greaves from my deck to my hand. Once it's there, I can also activate the effect of The Phantom Knights of Torn Scales from my graveyard."

The antique helm rose back onto the heiress's field, the sapphire ghost within ecstatic to have been revived (ATK 600 / DEF 1600).

"Since a Phantom Knight has been special summoned to my field, I am allowed to special summon The Phantom Knights of Stained Greaves from my hand as either a level three or a level four monster," Weiss announced. "And I choose level three!"

Ozpin raised an eyebrow as the new possessed armor appeared on the field (ATK 1200 / DEF 600). He knew from her records that The Phantom Knights of Break Sword was in her Extra Deck. Combined with one of the other cards he knew was there, he could see a strategy that could, in theory, allow her to use the Xyz monster to achieve victory this turn. The question was, would she see that path?

"I banish the White Stone of the Ancients from my graveyard, returning one of my Blue-Eyes White Dragons to my hand," Weiss said. "Now, I tribute my two Phantom Knights in order to call my mighty beast to the field once again! Blue-Eyes!

Even as the spectral warriors vanished and the mighty azure dragon arrived once more on the field in a maelstrom of lightning and power (ATK 3000 / DEF 2500), Ozpin could not mask his frown.

Perhaps it was best that Ms. Schnee had come to Beacon instead of Atlas. James was a perfectly capable headmaster, but his teaching style was more hands-off than Ozpin's own. Part of that was due to also running the kingdom's military, performing the duties of two councilors, and being heavily involved in the Inner Circle's conspiracies (honestly, without his semblance Ozpin doubted he'd be able to get anything done), but that didn't mean it would be the best method to help Weiss grow from her current mindset. The scars her father had left ran far deeper than her sister's. If she was at her best, the headmaster didn't know if Ruby would be able to beat her.

"Blue-Eyes! Attack Black Rose Dragon! White Lightning!"

After all, there was no guarantee she'd even be able to beat her now.



Ruby flinched as the stream of lightning blew her Black Rose Dragon to smithereens, her cape billowing back from the sheer force. Intellectually, she'd known from the attack values what would happen, but it was still humbling to watch her ace monster be utterly annihilated at the hands of the legendary Schnee dragon.

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