Chapter 11: Gleam Like A Blade

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Yang hated hospitals. Especially when she was visiting family in them.

Sitting at a knocked-out Ruby's bedside in the Beacon infirmary, the equally unconscious Weiss and Blake in the beds next to her, brought back bad memories of visiting her dad when he'd been at Patch General for his heart problems. Memories she had no desire to revisit.

So instead, she wondered if Ozpin had called him, let him know his youngest daughter had awakened a Signer Mark, shot silver laser beams from her eyes to knock her two berserk teammates out, and then fallen unconscious herself. Probably not. From what her dad and even Uncle Qrow had told her, and how the headmaster had hustled Team RWBY and Team JNPR to the infirmary as soon as he'd arrived at the duel arena and told them to mention what happened to no one, the chief hunting duelist of Beacon preferred to handle such potential scandals 'in-house'. Less of a chance to attract public attention, cause a mess of negativity, and bring down a Grimm horde that way.

Unfortunately, that tendency left Yang all alone watching over her knocked-out team, the headmaster having granted her request to be excused from classes for the next few days. She'd brought a plate of cookies for Ruby when her little sis finally woke up and sat down awaiting them to get better. And admittedly, as a precaution in case Blake woke up and decided to go all Odd-Eyed Bandit on Weiss.


Yang peeked up from where she was hunched over clutching Ruby's hand, her violet eyes shifting over to the infirmary entrance, Pyrrha nervously standing in the doorway.

"Hello again," the champion greeted, raising a hand to wave before hesitating.

Yang chuckled a bit at the Mistral girl's awkward stance, shooting her a soft smile. "Hey, P-Money. How you doing? Team recovering after... everything that happened yesterday?"

"They're... alright," Pyrrha shrugged, the tall, graceful redhead striding over to sit beside her friend, seamlessly shifting her Obelisk Blue skirt as she took her seat and looked at the unconscious members of Team RWBY. "Jaune and Nora are worried out of their minds, confused on how Blake is the Odd-Eyed Bandit. Ren is too, but he's good enough at putting it out of his mind that he can focus on class. He's taking notes for me in Port's class so that I could... um... engage in independent study here."

"The Invincible Girl cutting class. Never thought you'd have it in you," Yang teased, a happy but concerned smile twinkling over her lips. "How are you doing?"

"Huh? I just told you-"

"-how the others are doing. Not how you're doing," Yang gently pointed out. "Take it from a big sis extraordinaire currently kicking herself for not being unconscious with the rest of her team, I get it. We're the oldest. We're the strongest. So we should be the ones to take care of everyone else, make sure they don't fall apart. But... that doesn't mean you don't get to feel too."

Pyrrha bit her lip, her emerald eyes falling to where Yang was reverently clutching Ruby's arm. "It's... it's not important. Not right now. You're dealing with more important stuff-"

"Pyrrha," Yang cut in, giving her fellow Obelisk Blue a playful nudge and wink. She grabbed Ruby's sleeve and pulled it down to reveal her sister's new dark red dragon claw tattoo. "You wanna ask about the mark? Ask."

"I... I..." Pyrrha stammered, only to finally sigh. "I'm sorry. But yesterday, what happened to you four with Weiss and Blake's dragons and Ruby's eyes... that wasn't aura. And this mark seems to be the only clue about what was going on, and you and Ruby seemed to recognize it even though it just suddenly appeared on her."

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