Chapter Three

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I fell in and out of consciousness. For how long I am unsure, the few times I gained consciousness I was being carried somewhere through the dark. The rhythm of footsteps serenaded me like a rocking lullaby would a babe as I slipped back into the dark oblivion. I absently wondered if I was in heaven or hell. It was pitch black still, though. Later, when I came to again, I found it hard to stay awake, if that was what this even was. I had no clue. Everything was a complete jumble. As I fully came to, I found myself watching two guys fight moving incredibly fast, while I was lying on the ground. Then the darkness dragged me back under yet again. When I next became aware of my surroundings, I was laying in an enormous soft bed with many people standing around me. A blond man in a doctor's outfit stepped forward with a needle and injected it into my arm. Was I in a hospital? I wondered. looking around I realized it didn't look like a hospital.

"That will help the pain slightly as it comes. I will do what I can to try to make everything easier for you. I couldn't let you just die. I am sorry," he whispered as he sincerely looked into my eyes, pleading for me to understand and forgive him. But for what, I was unsure. Then it hit. The burning pain. Suddenly people held me down as I thrashed. I wanted to tear my skin off. This must be hell, I thought, as I lost track of time, only aware of the burning. Couldn't they see I was burning? My insides were like lava. I pleaded with my eyes wide as I screamed, but no sound came out. I had thought being skewered was painful; it was nothing compared to this. Eventually, they let go of me, I couldn't move now. I just lay there mute as I internally screamed, as if I was in the pits of hell being burnt to a crisp. Unsure of how much time had passed. As the pain started to ebb away, I started to become more aware of my surroundings. I listened carefully. I could hear voices talking as I lay there suffering.

"If she is half reaper, we do not understand how her powers will manifest. It only makes sense to be cautious, Eric. It is an added precaution to have some of our family members that have the power to subdue her, present, if need be," argued one woman who sounded very young.

"We don't even know if her powers will manifest. But I see reason in your argument, so yes, you can go ask the others to be present. I can hear her heart starting to slow. It will only take maybe ten more minutes before it stops. No one is to do anything without my approval," said the man who had spoken to me in the cave.

What did he mean by my heart was stopping? Was I dying? I must be dying. No one could live through this much pain. The guy, only a little while ago, had given me a shot for the pain, I would assume. What if it had been something else? I thought worriedly.

"I will let them know nothing is to happen without your approval. I will go get them now," said the woman.

I could hear her footsteps leaving the room. The burning was starting to taper off into a smoldering ache. Although I still couldn't move my body, it was as if I was paralyzed, or held down by an invisible force. Since the last option was not even a remote possibility, that left the paralyzed option. I did, after all, get pushed off a freaking cliff and ended up impaled on a two-inch round tree stump with a branch, I reminded myself. It was a wonder in itself that I was even still alive, given my ordeal. The fire within me was making my throat start to feel dry and parched. I couldn't speak. All I could do was blink as a tear escaped one of my eyes at the pain. I could smell so many things, suddenly it was as if my nose had decided to go haywire. My eyes took that precise moment to zoom in on a spider in the far corner of the room. I could see every minute detail in vivid contrast as the spider wove its web. How the heck was this even happening? What the heck was wrong with me? I felt like I was moments from a complete breakdown as the fire inside me came to a stop and my heart along with it.

"What is happening to me?" I screamed instinctively, but even my voice came out like a tinkling bell, sweeter than it normally was.

I could finally speak, it seemed, which was a bit of a relief. Until panic set in and I found myself suddenly, with just a single thought, moving halfway across the room. I cringed with dizziness from moving too fast as I went to brace the wall to support myself and was surprised to find my hand actually went right through the freaking rock wall! The guy with the blond hair, who was a doctor, slowly walked towards me with his hands raised up.

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