" i'll tell you what I need."

" one night... one night... whoa..."

"One... and whoa... what I need is..."

" one night... One night..." we pulled up to the speaker and she sat up and I laughed. " french fries."

" do you want the big Mac meal and the french fries or just the french fries?"

" I want... I want..." she looked at me for me to choose.

" hello welcome to McDonald's. How may I help you?"

" Hello, can I get a large fry, with one big Mac meal large, we want the drink to be a Hi-Ci orange. Can I also get a 10 piece meal medium with a Coke? And can I get 20 piece meal large with a Tropicana?"

" would that be all?"

" and can we get some big Mac sauce on the side and that'll be all."

"OK your total is $26.87 at the first window." I pulled up to the window. " $24.87." I gave her $50 and she quickly gave me my change.

"Here keep the change."

"Really?" I nodded. " thank you. Have a great night."

Upper deck to the second window, and they told me to pull up and wait.

"You love me?" Amil asked.

" yes I love you so much and every time I think about it I want to kill everybody that has ever hurt you." I spoke truthfully and she laughed.

"You are crazy." I shrugged. "I love you too baby."

I saw the girl coming out, carrying the bags.

" sorry for the wait, it's only me and another girl in there and I am cooking and packaging by myself." I nodded and it was a lot of people inside.

They must be partiers.

" no problem. Thank you so much." I gave her a fifty. "Keep that." She smiled.

"Thank you so much."

"No problem."

" have a great night... the both of you."

"Same to you." Me and She nodded and I handed Amil the bags.

The ride home just consisted of her singing the songs on the radio. I know that the smell of the food was getting today because the whole car smelled like McDonald's grease. I hated that fucking smell, she loved it.

I pulled up to the house and quickly got out and open the door and took the bags out for that and helped her out.

She started making random noises, and I couldn't help but admire how adorable and beautiful she was.

"What is that sound?" I chuckled.

" I am trying to keep my mind off the food." We laughed I opened the door for her and we made our way in and I said the food down and went to Gia's door.

" i'm coming in!" I yelled

"Okay!" I opened the door and so was watching tv and while on her phone. "Hey daddy." I kissed her forehead.

" hey baby, you're alright?" She nodded. " you need to start getting to sleep."

" I know, I've been laying here trying to force myself to go to sleep for like three hours."

" how about the three of us go in the living room and eat and watch a movie?"

" OK, you are going to get food or we're making food?" She got up and started to get dressed.

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