Chapter 16

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*Hazel rans up to Nico*

Nico... she said catching her breath.

What's wrong Hazel, Percy okay? I said tell me? Do you think is possible that Gaea could have made another dimension in the underworld....she said her voice trembling

Well yes but.... I was letting that though sink in no one not even a child of Hades could scape that dimension not even Hades himself.

Do you think he could scape... she said

Hazel- I-I want to believe that idea but if he is than he will never scape.  I said

He is Percy he can scape please Nico tell me he can. She said

Well Percy is Percy if someone can scape it's him. Yet chances are low and without someone from the underworld helping him he won't find a way out. Yet I can try and locate him and maybe we get in time to help him but how will he get out of coma. He might survive that but will he survive.....Hazel he has to many wounds.  I said lowering my head.

He can make it, she said

We need to tell Annabeth don't we....I said

she nodded

Well I guess you are expecting me to tell her don't you. I said

She nodded again.

Gods I said can't you leave us alone. I said while walking towards Percy's room where Annabeth was.

Hey Annabeth can we like talk? I asked with my hands in my pocket. Which were trembling like Annabeth is a scary blond.

What about? she said not showing interest at all.

About Percy.. I said she immediately stood up and faced me.

Is he okay? she asked

Well yeah we might have an idea where he is and how to help yet his personal wounds I don't know about that. I said

Just tell me I will take any chance. She said

Well when on the underworld I learned about how certain giants could extend the underworld but specially Tartarus by creating another dimension in there where only chosen ones can enter yet no one can leave. Not even Hades my dad would get out if he got trapped in one. Yet if we find it and use force to open them we might get his soul to leave that place and enter his body later he will fight to gain his conscious back but with the wounds he has it will be hard. I said regulating my breath.

So when do we start looking for this other dimension. She said

Unfortunately Percy has to wake up and tell us only a person from the inside of the dimension can tell us where it is.

Will burst into the room.

What happened? me and Annabeth asked.

It's-it's Piper she fainted again.

Guess my mother wanted another meeting.

Piper the key to his success is love, friendship and everything good that this world has.

I tried to speak but failed.

Piper if you have had a hard life quest after quest prophecy after prophecy. Saving the world once and once again. Having hard time being alive then one person comes and offers to end this by just giving her your soul would you accept. If it was anyone they will. But Percy has a fatal flaw the one saving us at this moment. Show him a reason to keep fighting.

Boom I woke up.

With the same thought again.

How am I supposed to tell Annabeth...

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