Chapter 13

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Black darkness, no feeling, no light, no Annabeth, no nothing.  Just a green looking lady who is Gaea.

Haha death won't get you away Perseus...... you belong to me. Gaea said in a voice which made a chill go down my spine.

So I am dead finally I'll rest form the gods and you bad think I won't see Annabeth i'll wait for her in Elysium as-long as she is safe for 80 more years I am okay with dying.  I said

Really Perseus dying and you still thinking about her.... she said

Wait so I am not dead. I said with a bit of surprise.

Oh man I thought I would have seen my friends in Elysium guess I'll start fighting for my life than. I said

I will never truly understand you  Jackson will I, Gaea said

Not really because first i'll need ti understand myself............. Only Annabeth knows me cause she knows me more than I know myself, I said

Doesn't matter now, Gaea said as she opened her eyes.

My body started feeling pain but I couldn't move I don't know what was happening but something was talibg control over me than boom I stopped it. Just for it to start all over again. I don't know what was happening I went in than back.

But something changed I don't know what... but I don't feel like myself anymore.  The more it happened the more   I lost myself. Until somehow it stopped.

Guess they hurt you to bad.......Gaea said as my vision started blurring.


What Will what's happening. I rushed to Percy's side just to see how Percy's heart was not beating anymore.  I rushed to his side even if Nico and all of them tried to stop me.  I grabbed his hand it felt cold to be true he was pale.

His once tan skin was replaced with a pale skin not even Nico could reach that.

Tell me he is not dead! I screamed

I am sorry Annabeth there was nothing I could do but neither water or Nectar help Percy... Will said looking down.

He is not dead! I said with tears already flowing down my cheek tears Percy would usually dry with just being there for me but now......

You want him to live........ Gaea said

All of us turned to see Gaea and a body behind hers...... Percy yet even there he was dead.

Percy! What have you done! I screamed

I could feel how everyone was starring at Gaea much with anger and revenge.  Hazel held Frank back.

Haha nothing much I just well killed him. Gaea said

Might as well stab my heart that would hurt less. 

Don't panic darling he can be save but your decision will you sacrifice him? She said

What do you mean? I said

Darling I think ahead of time... You see without Percy the mission fails. He is dead but I still can revive him.  But it's your choice.

I want to revive him- I said

Great than let go forget him, hate him, make him hate you, make him forget you. After that i'll take over him and he will
live just that in a different form. Gaea said with a smile across her face.

What!? We all screamed together even Jason.

She had left.

Perfect I had weighted the weight of the sky yet this wasn't 1% of the weight I was carrying in my shoulders right now.

Percy had went to a coma the minute Gaea left.

He should die, Jason said

Jason wrong moment, Piper said gritting her teeth.

I have had enough but apparently Frank had had more because he flew at Jason and a fight broke off. Hazel, Nico, Leo, Will pulled Frank off Jason while Piper and coach hedge commanded Jason and tied him up again.

What was I doing? I was with Percy either I saved him by destroying us yet he won't be the same or I just killed him.  My decision was clear I would destroy the world to save us yet he won't be the same and if he was here he would have told me to kill him. Yet my heart wouldn't bear that.

I touched my dagger I didn't want it to have more blood in it first Luke which hurt but I am still here but with Percy I will die with I wouldn't be able to use my dagger without being reminded how I killed him. 

Either way the mission had already failed.

I cried along Percy's side. I'll bring you back to live and I'll later kill you for making me go trough this! I screamed at him even if I know he isn't hearing me.

I saw a grin on his face but I don't know if I imagined it or he just grinned.

I turned back to say it to Will when I finally saw them. Most of them were crying now.

I could see a tear coming down coach hedge cheek that be later brushed off.

Piper was trying to held back her tears even if some scape.

Hazel was crying in Frank's shoulder and he was crying as he leaned close to her.

Nico was crying alone in a corner.

While Will was blaming himself for not being able to rescue Percy in time.

Leo was just there no movement no presence. A tear rolled down his cheek at the end. 

Jason was locked ip in the stables luckily Blackjack wasn't visiting lately or he will be scared when he entered and saw a blonde in a tied up chair screaming for us to get him out he will probably start talking things only Percy would understand.

Percy he was right behind him yet he seemed so far away. I didn't want to let go but either way i'll loose him who knows what he is going through right now. The fates hate him so he probably will still be fighting something in his mind without me there.

How would I wish I was in his place.

Word count: 1021

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