Chapter 9: The 2 most interesting days yet (Revised)

Start from the beginning

Soap: Well, we're getting clothes and whatever else apparently.

Ghost: What about me? No way in hell am I taking off the mask.

Soap: We've already seen your face LT.

Ghost: Just 141 and Los Vaqueros, not literally everyone else here.

Ruby: Come on!

Jaune: How are we even doing this?

Coco turned around to answer the Captain's question.

Coco: Me, Yang and Vel are going to put you guys in groups to get clothing, while the rest of us watch over you soldiers.

Jaune thought about it and answered the question.

Jaune: Alright, so who's first then?

Ramirez looked over to Sergeant Foley.

Ramirez: I don't like this man.

Foley: How? We're finally getting new clothes.

Ramirez: These kids will be picking for us Sergeant.

Foley: Well then, we'll see what happens.

Ramirez just deadpanned at Foley.

Coco: We'll be taking Jaune's team first.

Randy looked over to Carlo and Harry.

Randy: We'll most likely be going last mates.

Harry: Enough time to do anything besides look at clothes.

Carlo: I think most people would agree with me that women shopping for clothes takes up 70% of a man's day if they're along.

Harry: Tak. I just wish I had some Salo with me, I'm hungry...

Randy just sighed in boredom. 

Randy: God I wish I brought my didgeridoo.

The 2 looked at Randy with confusion since they came to this world with MILITARY gear, not a fuckin' wind instrument.

Carlo: When did you have that?

Randy: Made it out of some wood I found.

Harry just looked at him with confusion.

Harry: How the fu-

Randy: Don't question it mate.


141 all came out of a dressing room while Yang, Coco, and Velvet looked at them.

Yang: You look good Vomit Boy!

Jaune was wearing something familiar. (To the readers) Jaune was wearing a gray beanie with what looks like a gray coat that had the numbers 627 sewed into the left chest part and back of the coat. Underneath the coat he had a light gray buttoned shirt and he had a plain white shirt underneath all of it, while he wore just jeans and some sneakers.

(A/N) If you know, you know.

Jaune: Stop calling me that.

Coco: Why did you choose that?

Jaune: It... it just felt right...

Coco: Well ok then! You also look good Roach!

Coco: Well ok then! You also look good Roach!

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