Alternative Dimensions and Hot Chocolate

Start from the beginning

"I-I'm sorry I woke you—" she began, hair stuck to her head and chest finally beginning to calm down.

James shook his head, reaching for her hand and squeezing it as tight as he could without it being painful.

"You don't need to apologize," he spoke softly. "And look," he whispered, pointing to the clock on her night stand table, "Merry christmas Ave!"

Sure enough the clock read 4:44 am— christmas. She couldn't help but let a smile tug on her face, James watching as it lit up. If James could, he would take all the pain from her that she carried around with like heavy  weights, and carry them on his back it made things easier; he would switch places; he would give up everything good in his life to give it to the people he loved. James Potter was just that type of person, and nothing caused him more pain then picturing the people he loved in pain.

All the boy ever wanted to do was make the people around him happy, even it wore him down. He lived to see other people smile— if James made someone laugh it was a good day in his eyes.

So really, it was no surprise he was like this with Aveline— so caring, so kind, when really he owed her nothing. He could've just went back to sleep, tug his head over his pillow and not give a damn.

But that wouldn't be James Potter— a boy with a list thousands of miles long full of ways to make other people smile.

"Well come on then," James said, beckoning with his hand for Aveline to get up. She gave him a confused look, tilting her head. "It's Christmas!" he stated as if it was obvious.

"It's also 4am?" She asked. Truthfully she knew she wasn't going to go back to sleep, even if she tried. She more so just figured James would want to rest for at least a couple more hours, but the boy merely shrugged his shoulders.

"Mom and Dad will probably probably be up in an hour or two, and as soon as Sirius hears us all he'll come bounding down the stairs. He loves christmas," James explained as it if it was obvious.

So dressed in her santa pajama pants with a head of hair so fluffy and curly it look like a birds nest, Aveline followed James down the stairs, both teenagers trying to make as little of noise as possible as to not wake up the rest of the family.

The Potter house was true magic at Christmas, with decorative reeves hanging on nearly every door, strings of tinsel hanging down the staircase. In the sitting room sat the tallest christmas tree Aveline had ever seen, full of colourful ordainments— most handmade but a younger James Potter.

James began to attempt to make hot chocolate the muggle way for them, which involved somehow a lot of pots clanging to the ground, and the boy spilling the whole tin of chocolate powder on his snowman slippers. If it wasn't five am, Aveline would've burst out laughing so loud the house would've shook, but instead she covered her mouth with her hand, wheezing to try to stay silent.

It was no use though, for minutes later Fleamont came bounding down the stairs, sleep in his eyes.

"James what's with the racket?"

For a moment Aveline held her breath as Fleamont spoke, her heart picking up in pace.

Certianly Fleamont was about to start screaming at James any moment now. You don't just wake your parents up without repercussions.

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