Alternative Dimensions and Hot Chocolate

Start from the beginning

The Potter house was truly full and briming with the spirit of christmas now the the boys were home, which was something Aveline had really experienced. Her christmas's were usually nothing but being locked in her cold room and dressed up in too tight dresses to go to balls full of too uptight people.

Truthfully, she didn't even know about alot of the proper christmas traditions, which James Potter— in true James Potter fashion— was determined to show her all of them.

Right now, the trio was currently gingerbread house building, except because this was the wizarding world, the gingerbread houses in question involved real life animate ginger bread men, and housed with real working stoves and fireplaces.

"Merlin!" Sirius hollered, "My man on the run!"

Sure enough, running across the floor of the kitchen was Sirius's gingerbread man, sprinting as if there was no tomorrow.

"Padfoot!" James complained, wacking the boy in the arm. "This is why you can't call your gingerbread man your little bitch boy! They have feelings!"

Sirius was already on his hands and knees, crawling around the kitchen with his leather jacket on trying to catch the tiny thing. It was a rather hilarious sight, so much so that it sent Aveline into a fit of laughter so intense she was crippling over.

"Don't just sit there you lazy arse's! Help me!" Sirius complained.

His gingerbread man had taken to running quickly in circles around him, giving Sirius the look as if he was chasing his tale.

It took James and Aveline everything they had in them not to pass out from laughter, the two Gryffindors clinging onto one another as they laughter till their chest wheezed and throats were nearly raw.


The nightmares from her time azkaban never did leave her head. In truth, she could barely remember what it was to have a night without them. They were as much apart of her, as waves were apart of the ocean— sometimes they came big swoops that overtook everything, and sometimes they merely dragged up all the things she was hiding in the depths of her mind.

It was christmas eve, the day had been full of delicious christmas treats baked by Euphemia, more muggle card games and sitting around the fire with mugs of warm hot chocolate. For once Aveline drifted off with a feeling of ease in her mind, and she was a fool for thinking her sleep would come with a similar feeling.

Instead, three hours later the girl was in bed , trashing and screaming like someone was torturing her from the inside. It was the dementors, even though she wasn't physically around them, the thick fog of their powers had coated her brain like dust.
The worst part is that she couldn't seem to get out of them. Most people wake up during a nightmare, but not Aveline.

No, she would scream and scream the entire night, making herself sweat and cry if no one was there to stop her.

"Ave! Ave! Aveline!" James stood in his christmas pajama pants over Aveline's bed, attempting to shake her away by the shoulders. Even from his room he could hear her, though Sirius almost always slept through the noise. "ROSIER!"

She snapped awake, nearly smacking James in the face. Her breath was heavy in her chest, looking around with wide, panicked eyes.

"Your okay," James said calmly, placing his hands on her shoulders. "Look at me Aveline, your okay."

It was like James reached into her mind, swirling with pools of darkness and pulled her out it's swamp in mere moments— his steady breathing, strong brown eyes looking at with creased eyebrows drawing her back to reality.

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