
''This is the last time!'' Mother Superior said to the three. ''We're sorry.'' They said as the boys were in Luteau's grasp with Y/n beside them luckily not in the same state.

''Let them go!'' Mother superior told the man making him growl and the boys go. ''You two, go to your rooms.'' She told Y/n and Victor.

''Yes ma'am.'' Y/n said giving Felix a pat on the shoulder for luck. ''Thank you! Thank you mother superior.'' Victor said. ''Enough, go to your room.'' She told the boy looking like she was done with him.

Y/n went into the orphanage rolling her eyes since Victor was being an idiot.


After Felix's talk with Mother Superior, the three went back to the bell tower with Felix holding a card as Victor talked. ''A dance school in Paris my friends. The Opera de Pari full of dancers and dance.''

''Where did you find this?'' Felix asked looking at the opera building. ''I have my sources. Ok. Enough.'' Victor snatched the card out of Felix's hands.

''Can I see it again?'' He asked desperately. ''No.'' Victor said. ''Please'' Felix asked again as Victor stood up rejecting him again. ''No, but if you escape with me tonight you have my word, I will take you and Y/n to this dance school and you two will become the greatest dancers. While I will become the most greatest inventor ever!''

''Do you have a plan?'' Felix asked. ''A brilliant plan! A plan worthy of my totally unquestionable geniuses.'' Victor says. The two start to fight over the card since Felix wants the see it again.

Y/n laughs at their stupidity as she stretches her legs before going into a split and rising without using her arms.

She had loved to dance just like Felix, but her dancing was different. It required flexibility and focus as Felix is care free and just does it.

That's what she admired about him, he didn't care what people said about his passion for dancing, or his childness. She liked that about him.


It was nighttime and Felix had woken up from a dream like every night. He grabbed his music box, opening it as it played a melody calming him down. He heard foot steps and panicked pretending to sleep but felt a soft hand shake his shoulder.

Y/n stood above him as a nun dressed Victor quieted a chicken quiet. ''Come on let's go.'' Victor walked towards the door. ''Is a chicken apart of his brilliant plan?'' Felix asked Y/n grabbing his shoes.

''Sadly yes.'' She answered grabbing his hand to keep up with Victor. ''Oh great.'' He mumbled.

The trio tiptoed past Luteau's room making sure to be quiet before the chicken clucked making them panic as Y/n hid behind the wall to stay out of sight as Luteau opened his door to see Felix and a 'sister'.

''I'm taking this pitiful deserter to Mother superior.'' Victor said in a weird voice. ''Ok sister.'' Luteau said before noticing a feather on the ground.

The chicken that Victor had clucked alerting Luteau that he wasn't a sister. ''Activate plan B!'' Victor yelled running before Y/n and Felix pulled him in the other direction.

''That was your best ever plan?!'' Felix asked as they ran up the bell tower. ''You are so critical.'' He yelled back. ''You're a terrible escaper!'' Y/n yelled at Victor.

''Escaper is not a word.'' Victor told her before hitting his head on the bell again. ''Not again.''

They blocked the floor door and walked along the roof. Victor started to talk about him studying chicken as Y/n was helping Felix get across easier. ''How can you walk along this so easily?'' He asked holding onto her arm. ''I practice up here all the time.'' She answered.

Victor then pulled his disguise off holding up the chicken as makeshift wings were on his back. ''I call them chicken wings!''

Y/n and Felix looked at him like he was stupid. ''Chickens. Don't. Fly!'' Y/n said.

''But they have wings. They must fly.'' Victor then turned away making the two duck as to not get hit by it. ''Fly!'' Victor threw the chicken in the air but..................................................... It fell.

''Uh oh.'' They mumbled. The floor door opened as Luteau shouted at the trio. Victor got in front of his friends before grabbing Felix, Felix grabbing Y/n and running to the edge of the roof down.

Victor jumped and surprisingly flew. But Luteau did not have a good fate.

''Soon one day, people will travel like this!'' Victor shouted as they glided in the air. Sadly, they did not last long before falling into a hay shack in a cart. Felix's music box fell as the cart started moving.

Victor went to grab it and ran after the cart. ''Victor he's behind you!'' Y/n warned him. Victor threw the music box to Felix but it went over him to the from on the movie cart going onto its side rolling.

Victor took off his wings to slow Luteau down. Felix tried to get his music box as Y/n tried to get Victor back into the cart.

The cart jumped and made Felix miss his shot to get his music box making Victor notice and run back to get it.

Y/n face palmed when Victor got behind Luteau on his motorbike. Is it to late to make new friends?

Victor was able to get back in the cart with Felix's music box safely. Victor tried to drive the cart when they got to a rocky hill. Y/n pointed out a cave and he steered it there. Luteau followed trying to get the kids as he and the cart flew out of the cave.

But Y/n, Felix, and Victor snuck out of the cart and ran onto the dirt road that had a train pas by.

Felix was able to get into it, pulling Y/n in and trying to get Victor in. Luteau caught up and grabbed Victors leg making him a Felix have a tug of war. Y/n pulled on the chicken hat, letting it go making it hit Luteau's face.

Victor closed the cart door as Y/n and Felix sat down. ''We actually did it!'' Felix cheered side hugging Y/n, her hugging him back.

Felix went to check on his music box but it seemed out of place when he opened it. Victor took it saying he will fix it as he sat on the other side of Y/n. As he was doing that, Felix grabbed a blanket nearby putting it over himself as he leaned on Y/n who was almost asleep, wrapping his arms and the blanket around her, giving them warmth.

''Fixed! Tomorrow, Paris will-'' Victor stopped his rant when he felt Y/n's head on his shoulder. He smiled at his two sleeping friends and pulled their blanket onto them.

'They would make a good couple.' He thought turning the light off going to sleep himself.



Hope you enjoyed and see you in the next chapter


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