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Your eyes opened slowly. You had to blink a few times to see clearly, but eventually, you could make out your surroundings. Your whole body seemed to jerk as you suddenly remembered the earlier events that took place. You sat up instantly, turning your head this way and that in complete confusion. You were on the roof of the hanging gardens. Sitting in the seat of the gazebo where you and Shirou had shared your first kiss together. To your surprise the male was sitting right next to you, but he was completely unresponsive.

"Shirou!?" You gasped scooting right next to him.

"Y/n." Shakespeare's voice could suddenly be heard as he materialized in front of you.

" he..."

The servant shook his head. "No...not yet, but he will die soon."

Your eyebrows arched a bit, your heart aching...though already knew this would happen. "You saved me? Us?" You asked, tilting your head a bit.

"...Don't give me that look. Thou still have a long life ahead of thee. After Master Shirou is gone, I will disappear as well. But, I can safely return thee to thy home before my own time is up."

You just looked down. You knew he was right...but you didn't want to live...not anymore. You'd be alone. To much had'd lost everything. You'd have nothing to live for anymore...not one single person. Everyone you cared about was gone or would be soon. "No..."

You heard the male let out a small breath in response.

"I don't really care if this is where it ends..."

The caster suddenly smirked. "Ah yes, what tragedy. This is premium material that eluded me during my lifetime."

You couldn't help but snort as you looked back up at him. "That's just like you..."

He blinked at you once. "I must say I really don't know why thou art looking at me so fondly, but I particularly enjoyed thy expression just now."

You tried your hardest to give him a smile. "Thank you for saving me, Shakespeare. And, thank you for trying to save him."

He nodded. "I'll leave thou be to I assume thou wants thy last moment to be alone with him?"

You smiled down at the sleeping Ruler. "Yeah...I think I'd like that."

"Fair thee well then, Y/n." The caster bid you goodbye with a bow. "This truly has been a spectacular tale, a true masterpiece!" He beamed, raising his head. "Although...I really do wish I could've played the main role..." He concluded, before taking spirit form. That would be the last time you'd ever see the playwright. He really was something else. You couldn't help but chuckle softly at his last words.

You gazed at the spot Shakespeare once stood a moment longer, before looking back down at Shirou. You didn't have much time left...the gardens would collapse very soon. Though Shirou was unresponsive, you still wanted to take in every last moment you could with him. You gently pulled the priest down till he was laying with his head on your lap...kinda like the first time you were catching feelings for him.

...It really wasn't fair...he was so close to reaching his dream. You supposed it just wasn't meant to be then...although, you wished you could've seen that world become a reality. You let out a soft sigh, looking out at the rising sun. The front of the hanging gardens was now starting to crumble, beginning the long fall to the ground. How sad...

You suddenly felt the male on your lap twitch, bringing your attention downwards.

He let out a small grumble before his eyes slowly opened. "Where—

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