The Battle Continues

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"Yes?" The caster appeared next to you.

"I want you to take me to Shirou." You commanded.

"Master Shirou? I don't know about that. He already told me—

"I don't care. You'll do this for me, won't you?" You pleaded with puppy dog eyes.


You could hear a gentle sound of applause before Shirou's voice spoke up. "How about it? Want to join the red faction, Frankenstein?" You just heard a loud growl in response.

"I'm afraid that may be asking for the impossible, Master." Shakespeare spoke up, the two of you appearing a little behind Shirou. You felt a bit light-headed. Taking spirit form was not really something you enjoyed. It was almost like teleportation...or at least for you it was. Shakespeare had claimed that most the time it'd be impossible for him to bring you along with him, but that your case was special.

Shirou turned his head a bit, seemingly stunned to see you in the Caster's arms. "Really, you brought Y/n with you?" Shirou asked with a frown.

"Oh, let the girl have a little fun. She only wanted to make sure thou would be alright. Besides that, she's quite convincing, no?" Shakespeare exclaimed. It really hadn't been hard to convince him to take you, he simply went with it because he wanted to watch the grand tale unfold...or something along those lines. The girl who Shirou seemed to be fighting a moment ago now looked up at you and Shakespeare, letting out a loud growl. "Oh my, Pardon us." Shakespeare apologized. "We did not come here with the intention of fighting. Pay us no mind, we're merely observing." He informed the servant, before taking spirit form again, the two of you next appearing on a large tree branch. He set you down, before sitting and gluing his eyes to the scene at hand.

Shirou glanced up at the two of you, before his smile returned to his face. "That's right. The one who will be fighting is me, Shirou Kotomine." He confirmed, pulling out multiple swords between his fingers, almost reminding you of the wolverine. "But, if you have any desire to come to our side, just speak up at any time." He added, before throwing the swords straight at the servant. She dodged all of them before making her way forward towards Shirou, who was already running deeper into the woods. "Impressive." He applauded her, before throwing three more swords, this time whispering a word under his breath that you didn't quite catch.

As soon as he did, multiple pink sphere's appeared with swords shooting out of them. The girl immediately reacted, raising her giant mace into the air. A force field of electricity went around her, causing the swords to fly back. One shot back straight towards Shirou, nearly whizzing off a bit of his hair. "Close, so close." He encouraged her with a smile, seeming to piss the girl off even more. Shirou raised the weapon in his hand. "Now then, Caster, I'll be making use of this."

"Oh, yes please! Go ahead and use it to your heart's content!" Shakespeare approved, with many dramatic hand gestures. You watched as Shirou began to draw open the katana, a large gush of wind and a blinding light appearing. "Like a storm accompanied by an inferno! Like a downpour of rain accompanied by lightning! A story that one cannot wake from, will now commence!" Shakespeare announced, reaching out his hands.

Shirou immediately charged at the servant, clashing his katana with her mace. It was incredible, you'd never seen anything like it. How was Shirou able to fight a servant!? You watched as he skidded back, before charging again. This time though, he was able to slash his katana right across the girls face. She tried to counter, but it was no use, she only ended up getting another cut across her face. At that point she became enraged, her mace lighting up before charging at Shirou.

He was able to block her advance with his katana, causing a large explosion. The both of them seemed to stumble back a bit. Shirou stood there a moment before closing his eyes. "Ruler is on her way..."

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