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"Daddy?" You asked, rubbing your eyes and staring at your father who was standing right next to the front door.

"...Y/n? What are you doing up so late?"

"That's what I came to ask you. Aren't you tired?" You asked, walking down the rest of the stairs.

"Uh, daddy has to go right now..."

You tilted your head a bit. "Right now? Can't you wait till morning?" You suddenly let out a small gasp. "What if a monster gets me!?"

He smiled, something you didn't see all to often. "No monster is gonna get you. Now, go back to bed, okay?" He said, ruffling your hair a bit.

"Okay, where are you going though?" You asked.

"No where, I'll be back before you know it. I promise..."

"Pinkie promise?" You asked.

"Pinkie promise." He repeated your words, the two of you hooking together your pinkies. A moment of silence passed before he spoke again. "Y/n. I need you to watch something for me while I'm gone..."

"What is it?" You asked.

He pulled a necklace from off his neck. It had a beautiful looking key attached to it. "Here. Never let anyone take this from you."

You smiled at it admirably. It was really pretty. "Thank you, daddy!" You gushed, placing it around your own neck. "I won't let anything happen to it, I promise...but um, what's the key for?"

"'s for nothing, dear. It's just...decoration." Your father responded.

"Oh, I see." You replied with a small yawn. "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow morning. I'm going to bed." You added.

He didn't respond. You just heard him let out a sigh. He seemed more stressed than he ever had been. You didn't realize why...but you would. He was leaving his daughter to fend for herself. It would change her for the rest of her life. Did it ever cross his mind how your life would turn out without him? Of course not...

You went to bed that night without even a second thought. Everything would be fine. He'd be back. No one can break a pinkie promise, right? Wrong. And from that day on, when he didn't return, you'd just sit there, waiting and waiting...until soon, giving up all hope.

You opened your eyes slowly as you were finishing up your prayer. It had been many years since that night, but yet it always managed to wander back into your mind.

"Have you finished?" A soft voice came from behind you.

You turned to see Shirou. "Just finishing up, actually. Sorry, I know it's probably getting late, huh?" You responded.

"That's never an issue. You know you're welcome to stay in the house of god as long as you desire." Shirou answered, giving a soft smile. You knew that smile so well. It was kind and gentle, but you always felt as if there was something more behind it. "Well, continue with what you were doing, and pardon my interruption. I just wanted to make sure you were alright."

"Thanks Shirou." You smiled.

"Well, I'll be leaving now. See you tomorrow." He exclaimed, as he began to walk towards the door. You smiled fondly at his retreating figure. Through all of this, he'd kinda become like a best friend. He was someone you could always count on. Still, regardless of the years you've been with each other, he was still somewhat hard to read. He knew way more about your life than you think you'd ever know about him. You didn't mind it too much though. You realize for some people it's just very hard to open up.

You sat there a few minutes more before letting out a short sigh and whispering an amen. You then stood and exited the doors to see Shirou just standing there. It almost made you jump as you expected him to already be half way down the road somewhere. He was just staring up at the sky, not even realizing that you were right behind him. "Shirou?" He suddenly seemed to snap out of whatever trance he was in. "Are you okay?" You asked.

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