Change of Heart

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Not even a second passed by before the room glowed a bright fiery red and Karna appeared at your side. He immediately broke the chains with his lance before kneeling down next to you. "Master!?"

"Please...I need to...escape..." You managed to stutter, before beginning to feel yourself pass out from the gas still filling the room. Karna didn't hesitate to obey your command, and instantly scooped you up in his arms. The servant didn't know where he was, but he did know there was always a way out. He looked towards the wall before glancing up at the ceiling. Bingo.

Without a second thought he burst through the ceiling and out into the clear open air. He landed atop the roof a moment, scouting down below before jumping down on the ground and into the nearby woods behind the city. That's all you could remember before completely blacking out.

"Come along, darling. I just need to make a quick stop at the store, then we can make our way home okay?"

"Alright, mommy!" You replied, taking hold of her hand. It was a touch you didn't remember now, but it was nice while it lasted. You always felt safe around her. The two of you entered the building, her picking up a few things from the different aisles. She then led you towards the front desk, placing everything she had picked up on the counter. Her and the employee were having a small chat when you heard the door open, turning your sights to a man walking in. He was dressed in all black and he looked...strange to you. Like there was something seriously wrong with him. Maybe he wasn't feeling well...?

You tugged at your mothers sleeve. "Mommy? I think there's something wrong with that guy..."

"Not now, dear." Your mother responded, glancing down at you.

"But look!" You exclaimed, as the man approached you two. Your mother let out a small sigh, but turned around as you asked.

Before anyone could say anything, the man suddenly pulled out a gun. "Nobody move!" He yelled. Your mother immediately let out a gasp, pulling you closer to her. The man pointed the gun towards the guy at the front desk. "Put the money in this bag, unless you want me to blow your brains out!" He growled.

The guy at the front desk was still so young, eighteen at most. "L-Listen buddy...let's not do anything—

"Shut up! I said give me the money! Now!" The man growled. The employee just stood there, not knowing what to do. "I'll give you to the count of three! one, two, thr—

"No!" Your mother suddenly screamed, jumping on top of the man. You watched as they struggled a bit before a gun shot could be heard and your mother let out a scream.

"Mommy!" You shrieked. You then did the only reasonable thing you thought you could in that moment. You ran right at the man, biting his hand. He let out a yelp before dropping the gun.

"You little bitch!" He grunted, slapping you straight to the ground. He went to grab the gun on the floor next to him, but you instantly grabbed it before he could. "Hey, you little brat! Give that back now, bitch!" He snarled, running straight towards you.

You let out a small scream before just pulling the trigger. The force of it sent your arms flying straight back, and just the sound alone made your ears ring. You realized it had hit the man in the chest, but he just wouldn't stop coming. Even in his last moments, his only goal was to kill you. You let out another scream as he grabbed onto your leg, his nails piercing into your skin. You closed your eyes tightly before pulling the trigger one more time. It had hit him straight between the eyes and he immediately stopped moving after.

You just panted heavily. You looked up towards where your mother had fallen, but she wasn't moving. There was just much blood. You then looked down at the man in front of you and saw...blood...blood...blood on you...blood everywhere...BLOOD!?

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