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Jihyun knew he was running late. He dashes through the house and slams cabinet doors shut.

Brooklyn runs into the room and throws a table cloth over the table.

"How much time we got?" Jihyun asks.

"She's down the street," Brooklyn answers.

Jihyun curses and turns the oven off.

There's a knock on the door before Gabriel peers through a crack in the door. "Hello?"

"Just a second!" Brooklyn calls.

Gabriel sighs and walks into the couple's house. "Must we pull you two apart every morning? Even on special-"

"We weren't doing anything!" Jihyun cries.

"Why do I not believe that?" Gabriel suspects.

"Come on, padre. You can't knock us for pre-marital sex when you and Rosita-"

"Okay, okay!" Gabriel cuts Brooklyn off. "I would just think after these months that the honeymoon phase would wear off on the two of you."

"Nope!" Brooklyn exclaims, dashing out of the room again.

Jihyun puts the tray of snacks on the counter as Gabriel leans over a chair.

"So.." Gabriel begins.

"Don't," Jihyun begs, finishing up the final touches.

"You made me and Aaron go on a run with you to that jewelry store and you still haven't asked her?" Gabriel questions.

Jihyun slaps a towel against Gabriel's arm. "I'm working up to it, man."

"You've been working up to it for four months."

Jihyun throws his hands up. "Patience! I don't.. shut up. Help me finish up before Rosita gets here."

Gabriel shoots Jihyun a look but still falls in line to helping him prepare the area.

"Knock, knock!" Rosita calls from the door.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit," Brooklyn curses, running through the house again.

Gabriel bites back a grin and looks at Jihyun. "I haven't seen Brooklyn this panicked since the group meeting about solar panels."

"You'd think that a woman on the council would be calm over a toddler's birthday," Jihyun scoffs.

Gabriel pats Jihyun's back and they follow Brooklyn into the living room. When they get there, Brooklyn is already rolling around on the floor with Coco who giggled wildly.

"You look nice," Rosita tells Jihyun as they hug.

"Brooke chose my outfit," he grins.

"I would expect nothing less."

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