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Sebastian slams the door shut.

"I'll be in my room. If you need me, go fuck yourself," I state.

"Hey!" he shouts.

I pause halfway up the stairs. "What?"

"Next party is Christmas. Don't be such an uptight bitch and actually try to take pictures next time."

"Sebastian, Max was held at knife-point by a waiter. What was I supposed to do? Suck your dick in front of those assholes for the tabloids."

"Well, it would surely give me more action than you've put out for the past year."

"Fuck you, Needle Dick," I spit and throw my phone at his dumb head.

"Look, we have a press meeting in the morning. Don't screw up when mentioning what happened."

I once again pause on the stairs and look down at him. He quirks an eyebrow at me.

I dramatically lean over the railing and feign theatrics.

"Oh, yes. How could I possibly ever repay such a big, strong, man like you! You caught that waiter all on your own and definitely didn't have Mercer and his lap dogs do all the work for you!"

"All right," he rolls his eyes.

"Please! Mr. Milton, just whisk me away and carry me to your bedroom and nail me against the wall!" I stand up straight and glare down at him. "And then let me die from a dry spell because your dick game couldn't satisfy a virgin. Then, I might actually know peace!"

"Fuck you, Brooklyn."

"No, Sebastian. Fuck you!" I hiss.

He waves his hand- brushing me off and I return the favor by blowing a kiss that turns into a middle finger.

My heels echo through our house as I stomp up the stairs and into my room. 

"Don't slam that-" Sebastian starts before I slam my door.

"Prick," I mutter, locking my bedroom door.

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I wake up the next morning and groan in pain. I drank way too much last night. But, I'd do it again.

I take a shower and hurry to work.

My small jewelry store-boutique was my safe haven from Sebastian and his bullshit. 

"Good morning, Ms. Monroe," a worker greets.

"Morning," I nod back, settling behind the counter.

I look down at all the little diamonds and jewels under the glass pane and sigh. Then, I get annoyed by the cloud on the glass.

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