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Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.


I bounce around the light, making it flash crazy patterns.

After a few seconds, Connie opens the door.

I grin cheekily.

"Stupid," she signs.

I chuckle and she steps aside for me to enter the apartment. 

"Ready?" I sign to her.

She gives a thumbs up and sighs. Then, she points to she and Kelly's bags.

"Kelly?" I sign.

"Magna," she signs back.

I give an understanding nod and head over to the bags.

Just as I pick up a bag, there's loud shuffling and struggle behind me.

I drop the bag in alarm and turn around to see a man grabbing Connie from behind. Her arms flail and she stomps her feet to get my attention.

I race over and tackle he man around his waist, sending us both to the floor.

He was bigger than me. I try to straddle him to knock him out, but he elbows me across the face. I fall to my back and he goes to stand. Before he could, Connie stabs him in the leg.

What the hell was this? Who was this guy?

Connie grabs my arm and pulls me to my feet. The man screams in pain, writhing on the floor.

Connie slams the door shut behind us. She slaps my arm, wanting to run. I nod and we take off into a run. I hear the man struggling to open the door and skid to a stop.

"Shit," I hiss as Connie didn't notice me stop- still running out of the apartment by herself.

I turn back to the apartment. Connie's apartment was on the floor for primarily disabled. I grab a mop from a janitor's bin and shove the stick in the railings on either side of the door to block the door.

I break into a run again to try and catch up to Connie.  Just as I make it outside, troopers round a corner. I stumble to a stop and duck into an alleyway.

My chest goes up and down from my heaving breaths. My heart was racing. How did the fight end up inside the walls?

"Psst.. Jihyun!" someone whispers.

I look around and spot Carol.

My eyes widen and I duck down, fast walking down the alley and behind the cart she was at.

"Someoen jump you, too?" she asks.

"I was with Connie," I gasp, trying to catch my breath. "A dude came in. Connie stabbed him in the leg, but I lost her. Did you see her come out?"

"I just got here. Two guys jumped Ezekiel and I in the bakery. I think they got him because I can't find him anywhere."

"'Got him'? So, they're not trying to kill us? They're trying to take us?" I wonder.

"I don't know. We need to get to Daryl and the kids. If they haven't found them yet, they need to be warned. If they have, then they need our help."

I roll my head around, face pulsing from the guy's hit.

"Here," Carol ushers, handing me a knife. "Let's go."


Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.
EAT THE RICH [TWD]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz