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Qitian was sitting inside Yang Enjiang's car as they headed to his new apartment. He recently moved to a new bigger apartment with the help of Yang Enjiang.

Enjiang absolutely couldn't agree with Qitian living in his old apartment. So he made Qitian agree to move.

Today they were out to buy some baby supplies because, well a very enthusiastic Yang Enjiang knocked on his door today morning asking him to go out shoping.

"Let's go buy things." Was the exact words of the older.

Qitian was contemplating in the happiness he was getting. He didn't know what he did to deserve the family he acquired in the Yang family. He was surprised how they were so enthusiastic to welcome him to their family when he first met his uncle Wan. Or Wan Shushu as Enjiang saved in his phone.

Wang Yunwan, his uncle, was a petit man, but his enthusiasm and care was beyond his looks. He would occasionally send food to Qitian through Enjiang. Yang Enjiang's other father, chairman Yang Rui, was a family man who loved his husband and his son. He cherished them as if they hung the sun and moon. And after meeting Qitian he gave him exact amount of attention he gave to Enjiang.

Today too, Enjiang broke the news that he's taking Qitian to meet uncle Wan for lunch.

"Papa asked me to bring you for lunch."

Qitian smiled and looked at his older brother. "Jiang ge. I'm not a chairman like you. I have to go to work, you know?"

"Well, you'd only be using one of your CL." Then he waits to concentrate on turning the car on a crossroad. "Also papa can't wait. He wants to see you today. And he sees you today. End of story."

Qitian gives in. He smiles. "You got uncle Wan's temper you know?"

"I know."

As the big car enters a wooden old Chinese style house, Qitian's eyes lit up eager to meet his uncle.

"A-Tian! You're home." An old petit man rushed out of the house entrance, with another older man walking behind.

"Wanwan, careful."


Qitian affectionately fell into the embrace of the petit man. Of course avoiding hurting his bulging stomach. His uncle held him in his arms as they went in to the house.

As Yang Enjiang carried all the things in his trunk into the house his beautiful face pouted.

"Papa, I'm your son, you know?"

"But, I love A-Tian more either way!" The father among the two stuck his tongue out at his own son. Making Mr. Yang Rui shake his head at the childishness of his two favourite people.

"Tiantian. Forget them. Come sit. Your legs might hurt." Mr. Yang Rui took the role of the responsible human, when the other two definitely had other plans.

Qitian smiles and follows Mr. Yang Rui to the specious living room. After he sits down a maid brought a bowl of water and offered him to drink as the head maid of the house, Jiajia ayi, informed they're setting up the final dish to be made. Enjiang came to sit beside Qitian as the elders were nowhere no be found.

"Do you want me to come to your gyno appointment this month?"

Qitian thought a bit before shaking his head. "It's ok. I can manage."

"It's not a matter of managing, you know?" Wan Shushu said while putting down a tray of snacks on the living room coffee table. "I don't understand why you don't agree to stay here at home. There's no one to take care of you at the apartment. I get scared that you're not taking good care of yourself. I don't want the same thing like A-Jiang to happen to you too!"

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