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After being practically kicked away from anywhere near Yan Qitian, Andrew went back to the director's office. He thought he'd catch Qitian after the office hours. But what he didn't expect was the woman that was guarding Qitian like a guard dog would take the man away even before the office ends.

He heard something about Yan Qitian fainting after the illustrator's meeting in the afternoon and having asked for a day off. He felt exasperated. He was angry to say the least.

So what he could do was leave the Veneer Magazine's office and go back to his apartment for the time being. His assistant following behind like always.

Looking at his face full of contemplation the little assistant couldn't help but ask.

"Mr. Tesla. Why are you so interested in this particular man?" The little assistant Shawn Gayle said while making two cups of coffee in the kitchen of the luxury apartment owned by Andrew Tesla.

"Who said I'm interested in him. I just want to make a deal with him. I don't want that night's story to go out. I for one don't wanna be on news with a scandalous headline saying something like, 'Andrew Tesla sleeping with the brother right after breaking up with the sister'. It wouldn't be something to boast about!"

Taking the coffee cup from Shawn he made a face and continues.

"I just don't understand why he has to play hide and seek with me! Not like I'm going to eat him up!"

As Andrew sips on the coffee Shawn mutters under his breath. "Well you technically did. It was me who saw him literally running away. With a condition like that, aren't you too vicious?"

But he couldn't probably let his employer know. He loves both his job and his life. And given how the Teslas are they would probably make him so miserable that he would hate both but won't be able to leave both. Neither the job nor the life.

So it was left unsaid how the Yan Qitian's running away from Andrew Tesla was more logical.

Andrew was left alone in his apartment with a set of dinner that his maid has left him in the fridge. He heated it up in the microwave and sat with it feeling no need to bring out any cutlery. He just took out a spoon and dug into the savory meat topping the noodles.

His mind elsewhere.

He still remembers the day Ashley broke up with him. He has dated Ashley Tang for nearly a year and his family accepted her like their own. Both him and his family were happy to have Ashley with them. But none of them thought that it would end like this.

Ashley was a bubbly girl talented in horse riding and is in her sophomore year of college in the Economics department. She was also in the same Alpha-Theta-Phi club he was in. They met in one of their club gatherings and he instantly felt an attraction towards her.

But that day two and a half month ago Ashley just came up to him and out of nowhere broke up with him.

It was one of their college gatherings as well and many of the alumni were invited. Breaking up in such an environment was not just a blow to his mental state but also his ego. He was a respected senior. So he didn't reveal the break-up and just immersed himself in the abandance of alcohol the festivities provided.

He didn't expect to pick up an equally intoxicated Yan Qitian and take him to the upper levels of the hotel and into a room he booked on the spot.

He doesn't remember most part of it but he does remember it was Yan Qitian and it felt good.

But the next morning he couldn't find the man anymore. He was completely gone. Even his side of the bed was cold except some very obvious spots indicating whatever happened the night before was way too vigorous. He even got surprised seeing the tissues tossed aside with blood stains.

After finishing his dinner painfully slowly he left the dishes to be washed tomorrow and went on his merry way to retire for the day. Well definitely not before taking a cold shower.

But his thoughts didn't give him a rest. His brain worked non stop making him think about both the break-up with Ashley and his encounter with Yan Qitian today.

Didn't he look too pale today? Was his thought.

He took out his phone and pulled out the chat history with his sister and sends a text.

Andy 👊
Sent 11:57
Hey sis. Help me dig on someone?
Seen 11:58

Athena 😁
Sent 11:59
Seen 12:00

Andy 👊
Sent 12:01
Yan Qitian
Seen 12:01

Athena 😁
Sent 12:01
As in Ashley Tang's older brother Yan Qitian?
Seen 12:02

Andy 👊
Sent 12:02
*nod* *nod*
Seen 12:02

Athena 😁
Sent 12:05

Sent 12:05
Hey, don't make trouble! What do you need him for? Why do you need him right after you break up with Ashley?
Seen 12:05

Andy 👊
Sent 12:06
😔😒 Hey! Do you not trust me?
Seen 12:06

Athena 😁
Sent 12:06
Seen 12:06

Andy 👊
Sent 12:07
😟 Please?
Seen 12:07

Athena 😁
Sent 12:08
Still no!

Sent 12:10
Whatever! Go to sleep. You'll get details in two days.
Seen 12:10

Andy 👊
Sent 12:10
Ok ok 😍
Love you
Seen 12:10

Athena 😁
Sent 12:10

Sent 12:11
Love you too! 🙄
Seen 12:11

Andrew keeps his phone down and goes to sleep. The certain discomfort in his heart was still there. But it was bushed back a notch as he was assured that he will get to know about Yan Qitian in two days. And then he can take his next step.

Yan Qitian. You can't escape me.

Though he himself didn't know why he has to find the certain man and make a deal with him just to keep a secret. But it's okay for now. Not everything has to happen for a big reason behind it anyway.


Hey pandas.... Here's the second part of the prologue... And I'm tired after writing so much! So I'll goget some rest while you guys check out the story...

I'll wait for your comments to hear your opinion....

See ya!
All the love
C 💕

Also please don't forget to vote!! ⭐⭐

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