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Qitian's eyes met Yang Enjiang's eyes and stayed like that for a little too long.

Qitian didn't know how this meeting was going to change his life in future. So for now he focused on his job, his life in Beijing and his child.

Life in Beijing was hard. Especially job. Mostly because Qitian wasn't used to the way things worked here. When he worked in Veneer, it was an open work environment. They had no cubicles to work in. They had a lounge where they could relax and work. In Qitian's opinion working in a relaxed environment was more helpful and it made the employees more productive.

No cubicles doesn't mean they were forced to work in a group all the time though. They were given the full freedom to let their creative juice flow. And according to Elizabeth, the owner and founder of Veneer, her employees were her assets, and she definitely treated them as such.

But here in Beijing, the one eighty degree turn in work environment affected Qitian more than he wanted to admit.

His work quality was going down and his mental health was being affected too.

Qitian was someone who loved the design field. He has always worked towards his dreams and goals very efficiently. No matter how bad his family life was, or the zero love life didn't put any mark on his career. His career was smooth sailing and improving.

But in Beijing it was the first time it started deteriorating. He knew the reason was his poor mental health and increasing stress. But he noticed people didn't talk about mental health often here. And naturally he didn't know who to talk to. He didn't have anyone here that he could rely on. And as days went he became more and more mentally down.

He had a deadline today and he was struggling with the finishing touch. He even confused between Amber and Freesia.

Qitian sighed nearly hundred times.

After submitting the design, he took a break and went to the corridor where employees went to take a break.

This corridor was situated at the outer side of the whole office. People have to cross the bathroom area and then get out of the whole place to reach the corridor. There were huge glass windows to make the place feel fresh. The side of the whole corridor was lined with decorative trees. On the right side was the smoking room.

As Qitian entered the corridor he saw two women leave the place laughing among each other, maybe whispering about, fueling some office gossips. Else, the place was empty.

He went to a side taking deep breaths to calm his nerves. His hands naturally went to his stomach, rubbing soothing circles. He didn't know about the child's growth yet. Neither him nor Garry have found any reliable doctor with whom his condition will be kept secret.

So he would sometimes wonder about the child growing in his stomach.

A slight noise awakened him and he looked towards the sound, only to see Yang Enjiang standing at the door of the smoking room. His left hand was still held on his stomach and Yang Enjiang looked at his posture and then looked at his face. The section between his eyebrows sporting a surprised frown.

Although he has already removed his hand in a hurry it was still late. His cover was blown.

Yang Enjiang's face returned to normal fast as he silently left. He was normally a cold looking person. So it was hard to decipher his mood. And Qitian was the same. A sudden fear instilled in his heart, completely forgetting the fact that nature hasn't given men the ability to give birth and people wouldn't normally suspect it like that.

Even though he has started bulging, it was still unnoticed from over his clothes. Another perks of working in China. The coat compulsory for men dressing system helped him hide his bulge.

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