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"Your father and my birth father are brothers."

As Yang Enjiang said, Qitian looked at him schocked. He didn't know much about his father. He didn't remember many things about the man either. And given when he last saw him it was natural for him to forget.

After his father divorced his mother he didn't show up in front of Qitian ever again. And he also didn't know why he never asked about his father anymore. He wasn't one to hold grudges. But maybe he didn't like the fact that he was abandoned.

So listening about his father from his boss a twisted feeling embraced his heart. He didn't want to ask. But he also wanted to know.

Feeling his turmoil, Yang Enjiang smiled a sad smile and said with a monotonic voice.

"He didn't totally leave you, you know?" As Yang Enjiang looked at Qitian, it made him feel uncomfortable. "He always checked up on you. He knew everything about you, until your mother took you away."

Qitian kept digging into the food Yang Enjiang got for him as he listened to the so called brother he just found today as he talked about his father who he doesn't even remember much.

"That's probably why ayi took you away."

Qitian looked on at the food not saying anything. He didn't know what he should say. Should he say that he didn't feel anything about it? Or should he say that he wasn't interested to know? He wasn't sure. So he kept his head down pretending to concentrate on the food.

"Yan Qitian! I know what you're thinking!" Then Yang Enjiang took his own spoon to snatch a meatball from Qitian's soup, succeeding in making him snap his head up. The smile he showed to the younger man was breathtaking. He didn't need to work on his face to look this mesmerizing and Qitian would admit as much. At least in his mind.

Seeing the younger brother staring at his face his smile got bigger.

"What are you staring at?"

"Your face looks flawless!"

Yang Enjiang cocks his head to the side. His smile intact. "Is it?"

Only after listening Yang Enjiang questioning him back did Qitian realised that he has said it out loud. He swiftly uses his left hand to cover his mouth, as if that was any use.

Sometimes Enjiang wondered how can Qitian be so cute! But then again, he wasn't complaining. Being born the way he was born, he never thought he'd have a younger brother. Also most of his family were estranged. He only knew his uncle who lived in china with his birth father. And his father didn't have any other siblings. So he was always the only child who didn't know siblings' love.

Yang Enjiang was spoiled from the moment he opened his eyes on the earth, but as he grew up the one thing he wanted the most was a sibling to spoil. A younger little person to play with, and a younger sibling to follow to school or maybe come back home from school with. He wanted someone to play video games with or maybe even fight with only to make up in the end to sneakily share cookies made by his birth father. He even wanted to get caught together snacking in the kitchen at night. Bcause all he wanted was someone to make memories with.

"Yan Qitian, come to papa with me. He'd be very happy to see you."

Qitian was still not used to the behaviour Yang Enjiang was showing him, so he hesitated.

Even though Qitian's hesitation made him a little sad, he didn't show it. He knew Qitian was going through a lot and he needed some time to take it all in.

"It's okay. You can take your time. You're not leaving China anytime soon, right? Papa can wait."

Qitian shakes his head. "It's not that. It's just, I don't know, I never thought I'd have a family someday. So it's a bit hard to take it. Also I've stayed in USA for a really long time. So I don't remember much of the manners or culture in China."

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