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After Andrew had the call with Athena and they planned to meet at the Tesla family house the next day, they finished their works in a rush and Athena went back to the Tesla family home.

It was a medium cottage style house with a pool in the backyard and a beautiful garden in the front. The white painted house looked a lot more homely, like if the bell was rung a welcoming elderly would open the door with a smile. Nothing like the houses of the rich business owners they were. The house looked like a home built with love and care.

Athena got out of her car after parking it at the driveway and made her way towards the white gate of the house.

A lady of around in her sixties opened the door with a smile and welcomed the thirty years old woman into the house with a hug.

"You didn't say you'd come."

"Well even I didn't know I'd come!"

The older lady chuckled. "Andy again?"

Athena shrugs and slithers into the house with practiced grace. And quickly everyone settles down and waits for the man of the hour to come.

Though they all waited, but the man himself, Andrew Tesla came home a bit late. When he entered the room he found an enthusiastic giggle reverberating throughout the house spreading joy allover.

"Nessy. Is that you?" Andrew said while leaving his bag on the table at the side of the living room door.

He saw a little curly haired girl nestled closer to a smiling Athena looking at something on the mobile phone. He stealthily made his way behind them and took a peek at the two. As he slithered his hand on both sides of one little woman and a big woman tickling them shouting, "Tickle monster!" both of them laughed out loud.

Thus was the warmth of this family.

It's so welcoming that even Nessy, the girl of the tenant Mexican family from across the street couldn't resist the charm and find his mother from time to time.

He left his work in a rush because he has called Athena to come here. But now Nessy being here both the siblings busied themselves into engaging and playing with her.

Nessy was a six years old girl studying in the community school around the block and she's really sunny and enjoys playing legos. Listening to this Andrew's mother even asked Andrew to allow her to play with his legos. Sometimes even he himself would play along.

At around six in the evening Andrew held Nessy's little hands to cross the street and see her off to her home. Nessy lived with her parents and grandma in the basement of the two story house of Mr. and Mrs. Lockhart. Mr. and Mrs. Lockhart were old and didn't have any children. So they vacated the basement and let Nessy's family rent it. It also has other perks, like the Lockhart couple can have company at their old age, and if there's any emergency, Nessy's parents could be of help.

Andrew didn't know until he met Nessy at the park walking with Mr. Lockhart. And after that they became very close with this small family, especially the little girl of the family.

Right now, Andrew stood at the big white wooden door of the house and pressed the bell.

A plump looking Mexican woman in her seventies opened the door. This was Nessy's grandmother.

Mrs. Iglesias, Nessy's grandmother, smiled at Andrew and invited him in.

"Come on in, Andrew." As she made way for the younger to enter her welcoming smile never faltered. She closed the door after they have entered and then made her way in.

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