"As if."

"Jeez I get it." I said. "Y'all just got no game." I laughed.

Everyone piled on top of me.

"How the hell can we compete with that!? You got a goddess!!" They all yelled.

"Don't be jealous! I'm just better than all of you!"

They continued to threaten me until we got to Blue Lock. We got off the bus and walked inside.

We walked through the hallway and opened the doors.

"Kurona!" I said.

"Hey Aki." He replied.

I looked past him and saw them.

"What is that garbage ass team doing here?" I said in disgust.

"Man, you always think of us as trash." Aiku said with a smile.

"What are you guys doing here?" Isagi asked.

"Why you ask? Because Ego called us here." Hs said.

"Ugh." I rolled my eyes.

I saw Rin and approached him, Isagi following.

"If it ain't the disappointing ass striker." I said.

"It wouldn't be Blue Lock without you." Isagi said.

"Don't talk to me, wannabe hero and wannabe star. Wanna get killed?"

"Shut up, wannabe villain." Isagi said.

"You're just upset that I'm better." I smiled.

Ego showed up on screen.

"Hello there, you unpolished gems. Enjoyed the holiday? I've decided that the new U-20 team will be formed from the members I've gathered here. With 100 days left until the U-20 World Cup, victory is simply impossible. So what caused you guys to get stronger? Asakening your ego and finding your weapons was because of this 'environment'. To rise to new heights, you'll need a new environment. In Phase Two you'll be thrown into the peak of the world. Popularity, money, and ability. The European leagues are are at the peak of it all. Among 5 countires, you'll pick one to sharpen your skills in. England: Speed and physical abilities. Here, it's all about your body. Spain: Dribbling and being flashy. Italy: Tactics and slyness. Known for their defense. France: For up-and-coming players and has a lot of money. Finally, Germany: Logical and rational. More importantly, the world's greatest striker is there. That's it. This battle for survival in this new environment. And with this environment that's at the peak, one thing that will be the key to be among the best is demonstrating your 'uniqueness'. You stood out in Japan but you'll fall to just average compared to the world level. What you feel then and what you believe, will be a test for you. If even then you are still able to show your value that no one else does, the world will be waiting for you. This is a rite of passage to becoming a professional. Analyze yourself and choose an environment that's best suits you. For better or worse, this choice is guaranteed to completely derail your life."

A screen popped up on our phones.

"It's time to bet your future in choosing an environment to fight."

It said to pick a country within 90 minutes.

I was stuck deciding on either England or Spain. Before I knew it, it had been almost 15 minutes.

"What are you choosing Isagi?" Chigiri asked him.

"Well I wanna go to the English league since I've recently watched it but when I was a kid, I wanted to go to Germany."

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